Reproducibility of Centric Relation Techniques by means of Condyle Position Analysis

Autor: Robert Ćelić, Vedrana Braut, Vesna Fugošić, Nikolina a Holen Galeković
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Acta stomatologica Croatica : International journal of oral sciences and dental medicine
Volume 51
Issue 1
ISSN: 1846-0410
DOI: 10.15644/asc51/1/2
Popis: Svrha: Ovom studijom željela se odrediti ponovljivost kliničkih tehnika centrične relacije (bimanualna manipulacija, vođenje bradom i Rothova metoda) s pomoću analize položaja čeljusnih zglobnih glavica (kondila). Ispitanici i postupci: Trideset dva potpuno ozubljena asimptomatska ispitanika (16 žena i 16 muškaraca) s normalnim okluzijskim odnosom (Angleova klasa I) sudjelovala su u ovoj studiji. Njihova prosječna dob bila je 22,6 ± 4,7 godina. Indikator položaja mandibule (MPI) bio je korišten za analizu trodimenzionalnog [anteroposteriorni (ΔX), superoinferiorni (ΔZ), mediolateralni (ΔY)] pomaka kondila čeljusnih zglobova izazvanog razlikom između položaja centrične relacije (CR) i maksimalne interkuspidacije (MI) na razini zubnih lukova. Rezultati: Prosječna vrijednost i standardna devijacija trodimenzionalnog pomaka kondila testiranih kliničkih tehnika za određivanje CR-a iznosila je 0,19 ± 0,34 milimetra. Značajne razlike unutar njih zabilježene su za anteroposteriorni pomak kondila na desnoj strani straga (Δ Xdn/st; P ≤ 0,012) i za superoinferiorni pomak na lijevoj strani dolje (Δ Zld; P ≤ 0,011); značajne razlike između testiranih tehnika bile su uočene za anteroposteriorni pomak kondila na desnoj strani straga (Δ Xdn/st, P ≤ 0,037), superoinferiorni pomak kondila na desnoj strani dolje (ΔZdd, P ≤ 0,004), na lijevoj strani dolje (Δ Zld, P ≤ 0,005) i na lijevoj strani gore (Δ Zlg, P ≤ 0,007). Zaključak: Bimanualna manipulacija, vođenje bradom i Rothova metoda kliničke su tehnike za određivanje CR-a jednake točnosti i ponovljivosti kod asimptomatskih ispitanika s normalnim okluzijskim odnosom.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the reproducibility of clinical centric relation (CR) registration techniques (bimanual manipulation, chin point guidance and Roth’s method) by means of condyle position analysis. Material and methods: Thirty two fully dentate asymptomatic subjects (16 female and 16 male) with normal occlusal relations (Angle class I) participated in the study (mean age, 22.6 ± 4.7 years). The mandibular position indicator (MPI) was used to analyze the three-dimensional (anteroposterior (ΔX), superoinferior (ΔZ), mediolateral (ΔY)) condylar shift generated by the difference between the centric relation position (CR) and the maximal intercuspation position (MI) observed in dental arches. Results: The mean value and standard deviation of three-dimensional condylar shift of the tested clinical CR techniques was 0.19 ± 0.34 mm. Significant differences within the tested clinical CR registration techniques were found for anteroposterior condylar shift on the right side posterior (Δ Xrp; P ≤ 0.012); and superoinferior condylar shift on the left side inferior (Δ Zli; P ≤ 0.011), whereas between the tested CR registration techniques were found for anteroposterior shift on the right side posterior (ΔXrp, P ≤ 0.037) and superoinferior shift on the right side inferior (ΔZri, P ≤ 0.004), on the left side inferior (ΔZli, P ≤ 0.005) and on the left side superior (ΔZls, P ≤ 0.007). Conclusion: Bimanual manipulation, chin point guidance and Roth’s method are clinical CR registration techniques of equal accuracy and reproducibility in asymptomatic subjects with normal occlusal relationship.
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