Грегарина Gigaductus exiguus (Gigaductus) паразитує в турунах Calathus melanocephalus (Carabidae) в умовах центральної частини степової зони України

Autor: Oleksandr Pakhomov, Pavlo Kobeza
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Науковий вісник Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки: Серія: Біологічні науки, Iss 4(377), Pp 58-65 (2018)
ISSN: 2617-4723
Popis: The article presents the species identification and variability of indices of morphometric indices for the species Gregaductus exiguus (Gigaductus) Wellmer, 1911, as a parasite of the intestinal tract of one of the mass species of ground beetles Calathus melanocephalus (Carabidae) Linnaeus, 1758. The result of the work is a morphometric analysis of 27 Gregarin indices determine the size of the parasite's cell, under the conditions of four typological ecosystems in the central part of the steppe zone of Ukraine. C. melanocephalus is defined as the most massive among the territorial conditions with different types of geobotanical formations and anthropogenic technogenic pressure. The level of invasion of Gregarin is closely related to the level of moisture within each trial area, which is formed under special microrelief conditions in the study sites. The interrelations between the indices of morphometric species identification of apicomplexes from their total number per one unit of the host have been revealed. Common methods of field entomology and laboratory studies are used to determine apicomplexes of the intestinal tract of ground beetles. Microscopy of the stomach tract of ground beetles uses a physiological solution that reduces the error of the osmotic pressure on the membrane of the gregarine cell while fixing the basic metric indicators of the form of the gregarins, which are the main indicators for the reliable identification of single-cell parasites to the taxonomic genus and species. The maximum and minimum rates of invasion were revealed. The most invasion by parasites was found in the conditions of the first trial area, the dolin-beam type of the landscape of the wall type forest. The number of individuals is 11,0 % of the total sample of entomological material, 27,2 % of them are infected, 30,7 % of males and 25,0 % of females. Population dynamics here is more stable, which causes a high number of infected individuals. The least indicator of infestation is characterized by a forest-park zone of the third trial area. The density of the population is 18,6 % of the total sample of C. malanocephalus among trial plots, the number of infected individuals is 15,1 %, the males among them are 23,0 %, and females – 10,0 %. In the conditions of this trial area, the pronounced anthropo-technogenic influences on the host and parasite are significant. There were no significant differences between the invasion in the sex structure of the population for the study period and separately for each month. All the same, a non-linear distribution of the number of parasites per one unit of the host is recorded in connection with gender. Among the main morphometric indicators, metric characteristics and their proportional relationship were used to reliably determine the appearance of apicomplexes of parasites. The work includes one table of morphometric indices and nine microphotographs of trophozoites and syzygia for Gigaductus exiguus from the stomach path of ground beetles. In the tabular data are given indexes of species identification with the indication of the minimum and maximum values.
Databáze: OpenAIRE