Autor: A. Stephan, Hans Werner Becker, D. Daliento, Vincenzo Roca, Gyuri Gyürky, Detlef Rogalla, Gianluca Imbriani, Lucio Gialanella, Zsolt Fülöp, N. Sanseverino, F. Strieder, Antonio D'Onofrio, Filippo Terrasi, Mario R. Romano, Michele Russo, N. De Cesare, E. Somorjai
Přispěvatelé: Daliento, Santolo, Sanseverino, Annunziata, L., Gialanella, Imbriani, Gianluca, Roca, Vincenzo, M., Romano, N., Decesare, A. D., Onofrio, F., Terrasi, H. W., Becker, D., Rogalla, A., Stephan, F., Strieder, Z., Fulop, G., Gyurky, E., Somorjai, Russo, Michele, Gialanella, L., Imbriani, G., Roca, V., Romano, M., De Cesare, N., D'Onofrio, A., Terrasi, F., Becker, H. W., Rogalla, D., Stephan, A., Strieder, F., Fulop, Z., Gyurky, G., Somorjai, E., Russo, M., Daliento, D., Sanseverino, N., N., DE CESARE, A., Donofrio, D., Daiento, A., Sanseverino
Rok vydání: 2002
Popis: Radioactive ion implantation allows non‐contacting, online wear measurements with sub micrometric sensitivity to be performed, by monitoring the removed and/or residual activity on parts subject to wear. Comparative studies of different materials, including those who exhibit a low resistance to radiation damage, can be easily performed by means of this technique. A project has started at the TTT3 tandem of the University “Federico II” in Naples, Italy, in order to exploit such technique using a 7Be ion beam, that was developed to study the astrophysical important reaction 7Be(p,γ)8B. The 7Be ion beam is produced using a ion sputter source and accelerated to an energy up to 8.0 MeV. A novel setup allows control of the implanted ion depth distribution, and is a crucial point for the application of this technique. The 7Be ion beam production and implantation procedures are discussed. Finally, the results of some test measurements are presented.
Databáze: OpenAIRE