Technique of ultrasonic detection and mapping of abdominal wall adhesions

Autor: Issei Kodama, Jeffrey R. Justin, J Machi, Richard E. Parsons, Robert M. Golub, Ajit K. Sachdeva, Howard A. Zaren, Bernard Sigel, Laurie A. Loiacono
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Surgical Endoscopy. 5:161-165
ISSN: 1432-2218
Popis: A technique for noninvasive ultrasound examination to detect and map abdominal wall adhesions is described. The examination is based on the demonstration of movement of abdominal viscera during real-time imaging. This movement is called viscera slide and either occurs spontaneously as a result of respiratory movement or may be induced by manual compression. Abdominal wall adhesions produce a restriction of viscera slide. Ultrasonic demonstration of restricted viscera slide has been used for the precise localization and mapping of abdominal wall adhesions prior to abdominal surgery. The technique may be particularly useful in providing safe initial access in patients undergoing laparoscopy who are at increased risk for trocar injury of viscera due to abdominal wall adhesions resulting from previous surgery or peritonitis.
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