Mouse early embryos obtained by natural breeding or in vitro fertilization display a differential sensitivity to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields

Autor: Rosamaria Mangiacasale, Rosanna Beraldi, Ilaria Sciamanna, Rodolfo Lorenzini, Corrado Spadafora
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Mutation research. 538(1-2)
ISSN: 0027-5107
Popis: We have investigated the sensitivity of pre-implantation embryos obtained by natural breeding (NB) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MF). Fertilized eggs obtained by NB were removed from mothers 12h after mating and cultured in vitro for 5 days under continuous ELF-MF exposure (constant strength of 50Hz and various intensities, i.e. 60, 120 and 220 microT). Alternatively, zygotes obtained by IVF were subjected to ELF-MF exposure (50Hz, 60 microT), starting 12h after IVF for 5 days. We found that ELF-MF exposure causes a small yet significant (P0.05) decrease in the survival rate of NB-derived embryos at the latest stages of pre-implantation development, i.e. the eight cell-to-blastocyst transition. In embryos exposed to the highest field intensity (220 microT), the effect became apparent somewhat earlier. When IVF-derived embryos were exposed to ELF-MF, the reduction in the rate of embryo survival was more pronounced and the difference from controls was more significant (P0.01). Moreover, the decreased survival rate in IVF embryos became apparent as early as the first cleavage and persisted throughout pre-implantation. These results suggest that IVF-derived embryos are more sensitive than NB-generated embryos to ELF-MF, and that this sensitivity occurs earlier in development.
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