IR-to-THz Down Conversion in Nonlinear GaSe:Al Crystals

Autor: Yu. M. Andreev, Valery F. Losev, D. M. Lubenko, Grigory V. Lanskii, D. M. Ezhov
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 2020. Vol. 84, № 7. P. 780-782
ISSN: 1934-9432
Popis: The optical properties and hardness of GaSe, GaSe:Al, GaSe:S:Al, and GaSe:Al:O crystals are studied to create effective terahertz radiation generators. Doped crystals differ from pure GaSe in high mechanical and optical properties at a optimum doping level. Oxygen doping allows wide ranging changes in birefringence in the terahertz range.
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