Supplementary material and dataset from: Impaired adipocyte SLC7A10 promotes lipid storage in association with insulin resistance and altered BCAA metabolism

Autor: Jersin RÅ, Tallapragada DSP, Skartveit L, Bjune MS, Muniandy M, Lee-Ødegård S, Heinonen S, Alvarez M, Birkeland KI, Drevon CA, Pajukanta P, McCann A, Pietiläinen KH, Claussnitzer M, Mellgren G, Dankel SN
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7760165
Popis: The files contain supplementary material to the articleImpaired adipocyte SLC7A10 promotes lipid storage in association with insulin resistance and altered BCAA metabolism by Jersin et al. published in the Journal of ClinicalEndocrinology &Metabolism.
Databáze: OpenAIRE