Transculinary practices of transmigrants in Aleksandar Hemon’s 'Blind Jozef Pronek and Dead Souls', 'Family Dining' and My Parents: An Introduction/This Does Not Belong to You

Autor: Nina Bostič Bishop
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Acta neophilologica, vol. 55, no. 1/2, pp. 73-88, 2022.
ISSN: 0567-784X
Popis: In the present transnational world populated with transmigrants, food and foodways have assumed a new, hybrid role. In the process of transformation of transmigrant cultural identity of which food and foodways are a central element, the production and consumption of food that is often the result of Svetlana Boym’s reflective nostalgia, may act as a bridge between the homeland and the host land as a material means for maintaining ties with the home country. However, while transmigrant food can assume an inclusive function in their exilic lives, it might also deepen migrants’ sense of displacement and trauma and other them further. The article explores how transmigrants in Hemon’s “Blind Jozef Pronek and Dead Souls”, “Family Dining” and My Parents: An Introduction/This Does Not Belong to You experience food and foodways and what role culinary practices assume in the process of constructing their new, fluid and flexible hybrid identities in Homi Bhabha’s liminal Third Space. V sedanjem transnacionalnem svetu, ki je poln transmigrantov ima hrana in vse povezano z njo novo, hibridno vlogo. V procesu tranformacije kulturne identitete transmigrantov pri kateri je hrana ključen element, lahko priprava in poraba hrane, ki sta pogosto posledica reflektivne nostalgije po definiciji Svetlane Boym, delujeta kot most med domačo in gostujočo deželo. Vendar pa, če po eni strani transmigrantska hrana lahko vključuje, lahko tudi izključuje, ker poglablja občutke razseljenosti in nepripadnosti, s katerimi se eksilanti pogosto spopadajo in jih tako dela Druge. Aleksandar Hemon se v svojih delih pogosto ukvarja s subjektivitetami eksilantov in transmigrantov v transnacionalni sedanjosti. Članek analizira kako transmigranti v treh Hemonovih delih: “Blind Jozef Pronek and Dead Souls”, “Family Dining” in My Parents: An Introduction/This Does Not Belong to You doživljajo hrano in vse v povezavi z njo in kakšno vlogo imajo kulinarične prakse v procesu oblikovanja novih, fluidnih in hibridnih identitet v liminalnem Tretjem prostoru Homija Bhabhe.
Databáze: OpenAIRE