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Sustainable energy management system is an important prerequisite before making an informed choice about which buildings to retrofit, choosing from entire existing building stock. However, the system itself does not say anything about the economic potential of the retrofit, with what economic methods to appraise the buildings and at what indicators to look at if the aim is the highest monetary savings. The idea of this paper was to demonstrate to local and national governments as owners of public buildings, 1) how they can use the data from the sustainable energy management system that is already in place to gain highest monetary savings ; and that 2) it is economically justified to implement sustainable energy management system in order to benefit from the highest monetary savings when choosing buildings for retrofit. The hypothesis was tested on an actual stock of 602 public buildings from the City of Zagreb, Croatia. Through an Intelligent Energy Efficiency project ZagEE, Zagreb city administration chose 87 buildings for reconstruction. The economic savings that such reconstruction would produce was compared to a scenario where optimal 87 buildings would be chosen, generating highest savings. The difference in savings was supposed to justify the additional cost of performing energy audits of all the buildings in the stock. Although there are numerous reasons for renovation and money savings are only one of the valid reasons for choosing the order of buildings to be reconstructed, the authors argue that making additional savings can produce such a difference in money saved that additional buildings can then be reconstructed, and additional objectives also achieved. The idea is not to undermine the decision process of cities, but rather to raise awareness of the savings potential that is exposed when investing into an efficient energy management system and properly using its results when deciding on which buildings to choose for retrofit. |