Digital Innovation At Badiklat Kemhan Through Accessibility, Visibility, Popularity and Activism Ecosystem

Autor: Muzizah, Siswantoro, Resmanto Widodo Putro, Edy Saptono
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7755189
Popis: At least in the last decade, most people in Badiklat Kemhan have been very enthusiastic about adopting various digital platforms such as social media and instant messaging applications. Penetration of these technologies is also often wrapped in a techno-utopian narrative, especially related to the expectations of digital economic growth in Badiklat Kemhan. However, the use of digital platforms also needs to be seen in terms of how it has potentials in strengthening democracy, one of which is related to digital activism, or the role of digital technology in various social movements in Badiklat Kemhan. This research aims to study digital activism and proposes the concepts of accessibility, visibility, popularity and the activism ecosystem as the main mechanism underlying digital activism practices. The research was conducted using Literature review method. The results show that the concept of accessibility explains the availability of digital infrastructure and people’s readiness to exposed by the practice of activism. Furthermore, the concepts of visibility and popularity show that the practice of digital activism is always related to the algorithms and metrics that underlie how digital media works. Thus, the actors related to digital activism need to ensure that their activism practices can becomes “visible” and “popular” for the right audience without losing its substance. Finally, it is very important to look at the activism ecosystem in a comprehensive and holistic manner, and not only consider technological factors, but also socio-cultural conditions and the historical context of activism and various social movements that emerge, develop and spread in the society
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Databáze: OpenAIRE