Matter — The Emergent Phenomenon and an Invitation from Physics to Metaphysics
Autor: | Marina Novina, Nikola Stanković |
Rok vydání: | 2018 |
Předmět: |
Religious studies emergence complexity emergence of complexity first phase of the emergence of complexity matter emergent phenomenon ontology causality emergencija složenost emergencija složenosti prva faza emergencije složenosti tvar emergentni fenomen ontologija kauzalnost emergencija složenost emergencija složenosti prva faza emergencije složenosti tvar emergentni fenomen ontologija kauzalnost |
Zdroj: | Obnovljeni Život : časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti Volume 73. Issue 2. |
ISSN: | 1849-0182 0351-3947 |
DOI: | 10.31337/oz.73.2.1 |
Popis: | Pitanje emergencije složenosti, nesvodive na prethodno u prirodi, jedno je od aktualnijih pitanja brojnih suvremenih znanstvenih disciplina i filozofije. Samo pitanje emergencije složenosti grana se u tri temeljna pitanja (na tri tzv. faze emergencije): odakle uopće nešto, odakle život i odakle svijest? Prvu fazu emergencije složenosti, u koju spada pokušaj razumijevanja tvari, pokušali su razumjeti već prvi filozofi koji su tvar smatrali objektom proučavanja i fizike i metafizike. Suvremena pak znanost na pitanje tvari pokušava dati odgovor iz konteksta fizike. No, ta istraživanja otkrila su začuđujuća obilježja tvari koja vode prema zaključku da je njezina redukcija (na jedno) neostvariva i da su i tvar i njezina, dosad poznata, tzv. fundamentalna razina, složene. Ta spoznaja upućuje na zaključak da je razumijevanje materijalnog svijeta pitanje fizike i metafizike, tj. da pojam emergencije pretpostavlja i zahtijeva razumijevanje i na ontološkoj razini. U tom smislu važno je u pojedinosti vidjeti na koje zaključke upućuje suvremeno razumijevanje tvari. Ovaj rad želi istražiti osnovna obilježja emergencije i složenosti, odnosno emergencije složenosti, posebno prve faze emergencije te suvremeno razumijevanje tvari, kako bi se na temelju tog uvida pokušalo uobličiti odgovor na pitanje: što tvar jest? Ako je riječ o emergentnom fenomenu, što to znači za razumijevanje zbilje i emergencije složenosti općenito? The question of emergence complexity which cannot be reduced to that which precedes in nature is one of the most current concerns in multiple contemporary scientific disciplines and in philosophy. The issue of emergence complexity branches out into three basic questions (into the three so–called phases of emergence): whence all things emerge into being, whence life and whence consciousness? Already the first philosophers attempted to comprehend substance and considered substance an object to be studied by physics and metaphysics: this is the first phase of emergence complexity and it encompasses the attempt to grasp substance. However, contemporary science endeavours a reply from the sphere of physics. Furthermore, astonishing features of substance have been discovered which lead us to conclude that its reduction (to one) is not feasible, and that substance and its so–called fundamental level, known heretofore, are complex. This knowledge leads to the conclusion that understanding the material world is an issue of physics and metaphysics, that is, that the emergence concept presupposes and demands understanding on an ontological level. In this sense, it is important to see within a specific feature the conclusions to which the contemporary understanding of substance points. The aim of this paper is to explore the basic features of emergence and complexity, or rather the emergence of complexity, particularly the first phase of emergence and the contemporary understanding of substance and, based on this insight, to attempt to formulate an answer to the question: what is substance? If we are indeed dealing with the emergence phenomenon, what does this mean for our understanding of reality and the emergence of complexity in general? |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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