Supplemental_Material – Supplemental material for Psychometric evaluation of the shortened version of the Functional Difficulties Questionnaire to assess thoracic physical function

Autor: Mohd Ali Katijjahbe, Denehy, Linda, Granger, Catherine L, Royse, Alistair, Royse, Colin, Logie, Sarah, Sturgess, Tamica, Nur Ayub Md Ali, McManus, Margaret, Clarke-Errey Sandy, Doa El-Ansary
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.25384/sage.9988949.v1
Popis: Supplemental material, Supplemental_Material for Psychometric evaluation of the shortened version of the Functional Difficulties Questionnaire to assess thoracic physical function by Mohd Ali Katijjahbe, Linda Denehy, Catherine L Granger, Alistair Royse, Colin Royse, Sarah Logie, Tamica Sturgess, Nur Ayub Md Ali, Margaret McManus, Clarke-Errey Sandy and Doa El-Ansary in Clinical Rehabilitation
Databáze: OpenAIRE