The new Wide-band Solar Neutrino Trigger for Super-Kamiokande

Autor: Giada Carminati
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Physics Procedia. 61:666-672
ISSN: 1875-3892
DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2014.12.068
Popis: Super-Kamiokande observes low energy electrons induced by the elastic scattering of 8B solar neutrinos. The transition region between vacuum and matter oscillations, with neutrino energy near 3 MeV, is still partially unexplored by any detector. Super-Kamiokande can study this intermediate regime adding a new software trigger. The Wide-band Intelligent Trigger (WIT) has been developed to simultaneously trigger and reconstruct very low energy electrons (above 2.49 kinetic MeV) with an e_ciency close to 100%. The WIT system, comprising 256-Hyperthreaded CPU cores and one 10-Gigabit Ethernet network switch, has been recently installed and integrated in the online DAQ system of SK and the complete system is currently in an advanced status of online data testing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE