Additional file 1: of Chromosome-scale comparative sequence analysis unravels molecular mechanisms of genome dynamics between two wheat cultivars

Autor: Anupriya Thind, Wicker, Thomas, MĂźller, Thomas, Ackermann, Patrick, Steuernagel, Burkhard, Brande Wulff, Spannagl, Manuel, Twardziok, Sven, Felder, Marius, Lux, Thomas, Mayer, Klaus, Keller, Beat, Krattinger, Simon
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.6978260
Popis: Figure S1. Haploblocks a, b and d show sequence homology in the intergenic regions between Chinese Spring and CH Campala Lr22a (PDF). Figure S2. Dot plot of the haploblock c region from Chinese Spring and CH Campala Lr22a with Ae. tauschii. Figure S3. Gene collinearity between Chinese Spring and CH Campala Lr22a. (PDF 3408 kb)
Databáze: OpenAIRE