The Efficacy of Subchondroplasty for the Treatment of Knee Pain Associated with Bone Marrow Lesions

Autor: Michael J. Van Wagner, Nathan M Krebs, Carlos Rios-Bedoya, James L. Kehoe
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Spartan Medical Research Journal
ISSN: 2474-7629
Popis: CONTEXT Symptomatic bone marrow lesions on MRI in patients with knee osteoarthritis are strongly associated with progressive deterioration of the joint and an increased risk of progression requiring joint replacement surgery. This study evaluates the efficacy of knee arthroscopy with adjunctive subchondroplasty (i.e. cartilage stabilization) to improve self-rated visual analog scale (VAS) pain scores, rate of conversion to arthroplasty, and patient satisfaction levels. METHODS A retrospective chart review and phone survey was performed on 12 patients who had undergone knee arthroscopy with adjunctive subchondroplasty for knee pain associated with chronic subchondral bone marrow lesions on MRI. Follow-up for the 12 patients was 36 months on average (range of 12 to 51 months), self-reported paired preoperative and postoperative VAS scores were analyzed in addition to rate of conversion to arthroplasty and patient satisfaction. RESULTS The results demonstrated statistically significant reductions in mean preoperative VAS scores versus six-week postoperative VAS scores from 7.58 to 1.83 (p < 0.001) in addition to significant reductions in mean preoperative VAS scores to final postoperative VAS scores from 7.58 to 1.60 (p < 0.001). There was no statistically significant association (p > 0.05) with patients’ demographic and clinical data (e.g., age, height, weight, BMI, length of symptoms) and rate of revision to total arthroplasty after receiving the arthroscopic subchondroplasty procedure. Out of the 12 patients, two (16.7%) patients went on to conversion to total knee arthroplasty. CONCLUSIONS In this series, knee arthroscopy with adjunctive subchondroplasty for the treatment of osteoarthritis with symptomatic bone marrow lesions was associated with clinically significant improvements in VAS pain scores. Furthermore, patients who underwent subchondroplasty had a low rate (16.7%) of conversion to total knee arthroplasty at 36-month follow-up.
Databáze: OpenAIRE