Atypical soluble guanylyl cyclases in Drosophila as neutral oxygen sensors and their involvement in gestation

Autor: Judith A. Stewart, Kristofor K. Langlais, David B. Morton, Anke Vermehren
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: BMC Pharmacology. 5
ISSN: 1471-2210
DOI: 10.1186/1471-2210-5-s1-s7
Popis: genome contains 5 genes that code for sGC subunits. Twoof these, Gycα-99B and Gycβ-100B form a conventionalsGC and the remaining 3 genes code for atypical subunitsGyc-88E, Gyc-89Da and Gyc-89Db. When expressed inheterologous cells, Gyc-88E forms active homodimers,whereas Gyc-89Da and Gyc-89Db are only active whenco-expressed with Gyc-88E. We cannot detect any bio-chemical differences between Gyc-89Da and Gyc-89Db.The atypical sGCs are only stimulated 2–4 fold by NOdonors, whereas Gyc α-99B/Gycβ-100B is stimulated up to100 fold. The atypical sGCs, by contrast, are potently acti-vated when incubated in an oxygen-free environment.This activation is graded over 0-21% oxygen and can bedetected within 1 minute when cells expressing the subu-nits are exposed to 100% nitrogen. The sGC inhibitorODQ inhibits the activation. These biochemical proper-ties are consistent with a role as molecular oxygen sensorsand are also supported by studies in
Databáze: OpenAIRE
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