Widespread seed limitation affects plant density but not population trajectory in the invasive plant Centaurea solstitialis

Autor: Sarah M. Swope, Ingrid M. Parker
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Oecologia. 164:117-128
ISSN: 1432-1939
DOI: 10.1007/s00442-010-1641-1
Popis: In some plant populations, the availability of seeds strongly regulates recruitment. However, a scarcity of germination microsites, granivory or density-dependent mortality can reduce the number of plants that germinate or survive to flower. The relative strengths of these controls are unknown for most plant populations and for exotic invaders in particular. We conducted a seed addition experiment with a granivore exclusion treatment in a field setting to explore how these factors interact to regulate populations of the widespread invader Centaurea solstitialis (yellow starthistle) at three study sites across the plant's range in California. We coupled the experimental approach with observational studies within established C. solstitialis populations to estimate seed rain, recruitment and mortality at natural densities. Seed limitation occurred in both experimental and observational plots in all populations. Although vertebrate granivores were active at each site, they had no effect on C. solstitialis recruitment. Density increased mortality, but the effect was variable and weak relative to its effect on fecundity. The seed limitation that was evident at the seedling stage persisted to flowering. Seed-limited populations such as these ought to be highly sensitive to losses to seed predators, and many biological control agents, including those established for C. solstitialis, are seed predators. However, flowering plant density was decoupled from seed production by a strong compensatory response in the surviving plants; seed production was nearly constant in plots across all seed addition levels. Thus, flowering plant density is reduced by the established biocontrol agents, but seed production compensates to replace the population every generation, and no long-term decline is predicted.
Databáze: OpenAIRE