Spectrally reconfigurable integrated multi-spot particle trap

Autor: Holger Schmidt, Aaron R. Hawkins, Kaelyn D. Leake, Michael A. Olson, Damla Ozcelik
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Optics Letters. 40:5435
ISSN: 1539-4794
Popis: Optical manipulation of small particles in the form of trapping, pushing, or sorting has developed into a vast field with applications in the life sciences, biophysics, and atomic physics. Recently, there has been increasing effort toward integration of particle manipulation techniques with integrated photonic structures on self-contained optofluidic chips. Here, weuse the wavelength dependence of multi-spot pattern formation in multimode interference (MMI) waveguides to create a new type of reconfigurable, integrated optical particle trap. Interfering lateral MMI modes creates multiple trapping spots in an intersecting fluidic channel. The number of trapping spots can be dynamically controlled by altering the trapping wavelength. This novel, spectral re-configurability is utilized to deterministically move single and multiple particles between different trapping locations along the channel. This fully integrated multi-particle trap can form the basis of high throughput biophotonic assays on a chip.
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