Homolog of the maize -glucosidase aggregating factor from sorghum is a jacalin-related GalNAc-specific lectin but lacks protein aggregating activity

Autor: Asim Esen, Farooqahmed S. Kittur, Hyun Young Yu, David R. Bevan
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Glycobiology. 19:277-287
ISSN: 1460-2423
Popis: Recently, we identified the maize beta-glucosidase aggregating factor (BGAF) as a jacalin-related lectin (JRL) and showed that its lectin domain is responsible for beta-glucosidase aggregation. By searching for BGAF homologs in sorghum, we identified and obtained an EST clone and determined its complete sequence. The predicted protein had the same modular structure as maize BGAF, shared 67% sequence identity with it, and revealed the presence of two potential carbohydrate-binding sites (GG...ATYLQ, site I and GG...GVVLD, site II). Maize BGAF1 is the only lectin from a class of modular JRLs containing an N-terminal dirigent and a C-terminal JRL domain, whose sugar specificity and beta-glucosidase aggregating activity have been studied in detail. We purified to homogeneity a BGAF homolog designated as SL (Sorghum lectin) from sorghum and expressed its recombinant version in Escherichia coli. The native protein had a molecular mass of 32 kD and was monomeric. Both native and recombinant SL-agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes, and inhibition assays indicated that SL is a GalNAc-specific lectin. Exchanging the GG...GVVLD motif in SL with that of maize BGAF1 (GG...GIAVT) had no effect on GalNAc-binding, whereas binding to Man was abolished. Substitution of Thr(293) and Gln(296) in site I to corresponding residues (Val(294) and Asp(297)) of maize BGAF1 resulted in the loss of GalNAc-binding, indicating that site I is responsible for generating GalNAc specificity in SL. Gel-shift and pull-down assays after incubating SL with maize and sorghum beta-glucosidases showed no evidence of interaction nor were any SL-protein complexes detected in sorghum tissue extracts, suggesting that the sorghum homolog does not participate in protein-protein interactions.
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