Canada in The Age of Terror: The Metaphysics of The Cottage

Autor: Maurice Charland, Michael Dorland
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Javnost (Ljubljana)
ISSN: 1854-8377
DOI: 10.1080/13183222.2005.11008902
Popis: This essay offers a wry analysis of the manner in which elements of Canada's rhetorical culture inflect its response to international affairs. Canada's public and private response to international conflicts in an "Age of Terror" is examined as an instance of disengagement and irony through the metaphor of the "cottage." Članek analizira načine, na katere elementi kanadske retorične kulture vplivajo na njene reakcije na mednarodne zadeve. Kanadska javna in zasebna reakcija na mednarodne konflikte v "dobi terorja" je obravnavana kot primer sprostitve in ironije prek metafore "počitniške hiše".
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