The myth of incomes policy in the Netherlands

Autor: H.J.M.A Mieras, N. van Hulst, M.N. Brander
Přispěvatelé: Economics
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Applied Economics, 28, 899-907. Routledge
Brander, M N, van Hulst, N & Mieras, H J M A 1996, ' The myth of incomes policy in the Netherlands ', Applied Economics, vol. 28, pp. 899-907 .
ISSN: 0003-6846
Popis: An assessment is made about whether the Dutch government conducted an effective incomes policy in the postwar period. Targeted wage rate development is compared with actual wage outcomes and an empirical model of wage formation is used to estimate whether wage rates were lower when the incomes policy was on. It is concluded that two periods of incomes policy were effective: 1955-1959 and 1980-1981. However, the net effect of the policy in 1955-1959 was very moderate, due to a ‘wage explosion’ in 1964.
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