The PING personally controlled electronic medical record system: technical architecture

Autor: william Simons, Kenneth D. Mandl, Isaac S. Kohane
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 12(1)
ISSN: 1067-5027
Popis: Despite progress in creating standardized clinical data models and interapplication protocols, the goal of creating a lifelong health care record remains mired in the pragmatics of interinstitutional competition, concerns about privacy and unnecessary disclosure, and the lack of a nationwide system for authenticating and authorizing access to medical information. The authors describe the architecture of a personally controlled health care record system, PING, that is not institutionally bound, is a free and open source, and meets the policy requirements that the authors have previously identified for health care delivery and population-wide research.
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