Towards Effective Teaching. Reimagining online courses for the future of higher education

Autor: Borodo, Adam, Dębicka, Olga, Fengler, Maria, Markiewicz, Magdalena, Reszka, Magdalena, Dorčić, Jelena, Fruk, Lorena Dadić, Mušanović, Jelena, Buzan, Elena, Urzi, Felicita, Pöntynen, Riitta, Gustavino, Bianca, Mattarocci, Gianluca, Montesano, Carla, Orazi, Alma, Silvia-Ștefania Maican, Muntean, Andreea, Pastiu, Carmen
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7940598
Popis: The recent research on the challenges of online education highlights the need for innovative solutions that address the unique issues that arise in this mode of instruction. The aim of the activities in Intellectual Output 3 is to develop such innovative ideas in online higher education, taking into account the needs and experiences of users. To achieve this goal, the project applied the Design Thinking method, which is a usercentred approach to problem-solving. This method involves empathizing with the users, defining the problem from their perspective, ideating potential solutions, prototyping and testing the most promising ideas, and iterating on the design until a viable solution is found. By applying the Design Thinking method to the challenges of online education, the project aims to develop original solutions that go beyond simply reproducing traditional teaching methods online. Instead, the project seeks to identify and address the unique needs and challenges of online learners and instructors, resulting in more effective and engaging online courses. Overall, the activities in Intellectual Output 3 aim to contribute to the ongoing evolution of online education, providing innovative solutions that address the unique challenges and needs of learners and instructors in this mode of instruction. The projects focus on the identification of online lessons scenario that can be easily adapted and modified to work within a given subject/class to meet the needs of online learning. It is necessary to identify the key problems of educational scenarios associated with remote learning, the choice of an appropriate IT platform that is easy to use by academic teachers and allows the learning objectives of specific subjects to be achieved in almost every field of higher education. The project’s activities will Focus on two aspects, that is, digital competence of academic teachers, and the development of new competences in creation and implementation of online/hybrid courses and innovative curricula. Intellectual Output 3 "Reimagining online course for the future of tomorrow" has two main objectives: the development of innovative concepts/scenarios of effective online classes, and the development of innovative tools/methods of learning and working in online groups stimulating creativity, innovative thinking and teamwork. The tools apply to all teachers, regardless of their seniority, background, or the type of institution in which they work, public or private. Design Thinking Workshop (DTW) can be also applied to students as part of the lecture.
Databáze: OpenAIRE