Remote Oxidation of Aliphatic C-H Bonds in Nitrogen-Containing Molecules

Autor: Kaibo Feng, Joseph R. Clark, Jennifer M. Howell, Louis J. Trzepkowski, M. Christina White
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137(46)
ISSN: 1520-5126
Popis: Nitrogen heterocycles are ubiquitous in natural products and pharmaceuticals. Herein, we disclose a nitrogen complexation strategy that employs a strong Brønsted acid (HBF4) or an azaphilic Lewis acid (BF3) to enable remote, non-directed C(sp3)—H oxidations of tertiary (3°), secondary (2°), and primary (1°) amine- and pyridine- containing molecules with tunable iron catalysts. Imides resist oxidation and promote remote functionalization.
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