Novel pump design of Yb:YAG thin disc laser for operation at room temperature with improved efficiency

Autor: K. Contag, C. Stewen, I. Johannsen, M. Karszewski, T. Rupp, A. Giesen, S. Erhard
Rok vydání: 1999
Popis: A novel design for pumping the Yb:YAG thin disc laser is presented. By increasing the number of absorption passes from eight to sixteen the crystal thickness can be reduced to about 240 µm. With this setup an optical efficiency of η = 57. 7 % at an output power of37.6 Wis demonstrated at room temperature. In TEM00 operation an output power of 31.9 W is obtained corresponding to η = 50.2 %. Furthermore, 6.9 W single frequency output at 515 nm is generated by intracavity second-harmonic generation using an LBO crystal.
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