Adaptation to Climate Change

Autor: Carmin, J., Tierney, K., Chu, E., Hunter, L.M., Roberts, J.T., Shi, L., Dunlap, R.E., Brulle, R.J.
Přispěvatelé: Governance and Inclusive Development (GID, AISSR, FMG), Urban Planning (AISSR, FMG)
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Climate change and society: sociological perspectives, 164-198
STARTPAGE=164;ENDPAGE=198;TITLE=Climate change and society: sociological perspectives
Popis: Climate change adaptation involves major global and societal challenges such as finding adequate and equitable adaptation funding and integrating adaptation and development programs. Current funding is insufficient. Debates between the Global North and South center on how best to allocate the financial burdens associated with adaptation programs. How to "mainstream" adaptation into development programs is another topic for debate, as is the question of whether market-based approaches offer the right tools for both development and adaptation. Sociological insights on topics such as the political economy of development, disaster risk reduction, human migration in the face of environmental change, institutions, social movements, and public participation in environmental governance are applicable to the study of adaptation.
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