The Next Generation Platform as a Service Cloudifying Service Deployments in Telco-Operators Infrastructure

Autor: M. Zembra, Aurora Ramos, Paul Veitch, Michele Paolino, S. Bessem, Adam Broadbent, J. Chesterfield, Daniel Raho, Sebastien Pinneterre, Laurent Roullet, José Soler, Leonardo Mariani, Angelos Mimidis, Ignacio Labrador, Oliviero Riganelli, Marco Mobilio, Eder Ollora, Xuan Du, S. Van Rossem, M. Flouris
Přispěvatelé: Kentis, A, Zaballa, E, Soler, J, Bessem, S, Roullet, L, Rossem, S, Pinneterre, S, Paolino, M, Raho, D, Du, X, Chesterfield, J, Flouris, M, Mariani, L, Riganelli, O, Mobilio, M, Ramos, A, Pavon, I, Broadbent, A, Veitch, P, Zembra, M
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Kentis, A M, Ollora Zaballa, E, Soler, J, Bessem, S, Roullet, L, Van Rossem, S, Pinneterre, S, Paolino, M, Raho, D, Du, X, Mariani, L, Ramos, A, Labrador, I, Broadbent, A & Zembra, M 2018, The Next Generation Platform as a Service Cloudifying Service Deployments in Telco-Operators Infrastructure . in Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2018) . IEEE, pp. 399-404, 25th International Conference on Telecommunications, Saint Malo, France, 26/06/2018 .
Popis: 5G standard emerges at a particular time in technology history when cloud transforms deeply almost all industries and services: it becomes obvious that innovations have to be made cloud-native for being successful. 5G must become the ubiquitous fabric blending universal connectivity (to humans, robots, sensors…) with cloud versatility and scalability. For realizing this vision, another model than IaaS must be adopted, the Platform as a Service (PaaS), which should be built to support telco-grade requirements and combine all sort of third-party applications. These are the core objectives of the Next Generation Platform as a Service (NGPaaS) project, a H2020 5G PPP Phase 2 project. The paper presents the project fundamentals, its architectural proposal and most relevant features.
Databáze: OpenAIRE