Research on the Duality of China’s Marine Fishery Carbon Emissions and Its Coordination with Economic Development

Autor: Huanhuan Xiong, Xuejing Wang, Xinrui Hu
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Volume 20; Issue 2; Pages: 1423
ISSN: 1660-4601
Popis: Through the Tapio model, this paper measures the “decoupling and coupling” relationship between carbon emissions, carbon sinks, and economic growth of marine fisheries in nine coastal provinces of China in 2009–2019, objectively evaluates the economic benefits of carbon emissions and low-carbon development potential, and then discusses the economic development models of marine fisheries in detail. The results showed that the total carbon sink and carbon emission of China’s marine fisheries are increasing. Guangdong is dominated by “double low” economic benefits and low-carbon potential, and “double high” provinces have better resource endowment conditions; China’s marine fishery economic development is still dominated by conventional types. To further promote the sustainable development of China’s marine fisheries, all provinces should define the development orientation of marine fisheries, improve the production methods of marine fisheries according to local conditions, and adjust the industrial structure of marine fisheries in a timely manner, to achieve the low-carbon fishery goal of reducing carbon emissions and growing the economy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE