Nokardien-Pneumonie – eine Kasuistik

Autor: J. Bargon, S. Jungblut, H. Frickmann, B. Böddinghaus
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Pneumologie. 59
ISSN: 1438-8790
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-864588
Popis: We describe a case of lung manifestation of nocardiosis with upper lobe shrinking of the right lung in a 45 year old patient without evident signs of an immuno-compromising illness. The patient came to the hospital in a reduced general state of health with severe cough, red and brown sputum and exertional dyspnoea. X-ray pictures of the thorax showed inflammatory infiltration and shrinking of the upper left lobe of the right lung. Gram-positive, branching rods were detected in the patient's bronchial secretion with the microscope and in cultures. Nocoardia transvalensis was identified via polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The antibiotic therapy was planned according to the bacterial resistance pattern. Imipenem was administered for 5 weeks and Amikacin was added for 3 weeks in the 3 (rd) week of therapy. The patient left the hospital in a good general state of health. There was no relapse.
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