High-resolution structure and dynamics of mitochondrial complex I—Insights into the proton pumping mechanism

Autor: Volker Zickermann, Janet Vonck, Jonathan Lasham, Vivek Sharma, Hao Xie, Deryck J. Mills, Etienne Galemou Yoga, Amina Djurabekova, Kristian Parey, Outi Haapanen, Werner Kühlbrandt
Přispěvatelé: Doctoral Programme in Materials Research and Nanosciences, Materials Physics, Department of Physics
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Science Advances
ISSN: 2375-2548
Popis: Description
High-resolution structure and molecular simulations unravel the inner workings of a redox-driven proton pump.
Mitochondrial NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) is a 1-MDa membrane protein complex with a central role in energy metabolism. Redox-driven proton translocation by complex I contributes substantially to the proton motive force that drives ATP synthase. Several structures of complex I from bacteria and mitochondria have been determined, but its catalytic mechanism has remained controversial. We here present the cryo-EM structure of complex I from Yarrowia lipolytica at 2.1-Å resolution, which reveals the positions of more than 1600 protein-bound water molecules, of which ~100 are located in putative proton translocation pathways. Another structure of the same complex under steady-state activity conditions at 3.4-Å resolution indicates conformational transitions that we associate with proton injection into the central hydrophilic axis. By combining high-resolution structural data with site-directed mutagenesis and large-scale molecular dynamic simulations, we define details of the proton translocation pathways and offer insights into the redox-coupled proton pumping mechanism of complex I.
Databáze: OpenAIRE