Farming and climate change

Autor: Rob White, Yeates, J.
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
A Handbook of Food Crime ISBN: 9781447336020
University of Tasmania
DOI: 10.1332/policypress/9781447336013.003.0020
Popis: Global warming is rapidly changing the physical biosphere in ways that will reverberate well into the future. This chapter explores the relationship between food and climate change. On the one hand, profit-oriented systems of food production contribute to the production of carbon emissions while simultaneously undermining the resilience of natural systems to withstand the effects of climate-related changes. On the other hand, the degradation of natural resources associated with climatic change further perpetuates the demise of existing agricultural and pastoral systems in ways that will continue to generate famine and climate-induced migrations. While climate change has global consequences, the extent of the impact varies depending on the vulnerability of particular locales, social groups and livelihoods. Diverse circumstances will give rise to a range of responses, from the continuation of unsustainable production practices and the systematic hoarding of food, through to widespread social unrest linked to food scarcity and criminality.
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