Heilus freyreissi

Autor: Lira, Aline De Oliveira, Sousa, Wesley Oliveira De, Rosado-Neto, Germano Henrique, Santos, Geane Brizzola Dos, Marques, Marinêz Isaac
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4414604
Popis: Heilus freyreissi (Boheman, 1836) (Figs. 8, 18F, 19E, 20E, 21E, 22E, 23F) Heilipus freyreissi Boheman, 1836:210 (description); Boheman 1843:110 (redescription); Blackwelder 1947:818 (checklist). Heilipus freyersi: Jacob 1937:156 (error). Hilipus freyreissi: Gemminger & Harold 1871:2427 (catalog); Dalla Torre et al. 1932:30 (catalog). Heilipodus freyreissi: Kuschel 1955:295 (combination). Heilus freyreissi: Wibmer & O���Brien 1986:145 (combination). Type material. Heilipus freyreissi Boheman, 1836: we examined images of the female holotype (Fig. 8) bearing the following label ���Brasilia. Coll. Freyreiss. Typus ♀; Heilipus freyreissi; Bhn NHRS���TOBI 000003222��� and male allotype bearing the following label ��� Allotypus ♂. Heilipi:----, Brasil [ia]: Germ.; NHRS���TOBI 000003223���, both deposited in the NHRS. Redescription. Length (pronotum and elytra) of males and females 8.9 to 11.2/ 9.8 to 11.4 mm, respectively. Integument opaque, except for tubercles and scutellum, which are bright, with their color ranging from reddishbrown to black. Rostrum about 1.2 times longer than pronotum; about 4.5 times longer than apical width of rostrum in females and 3.9 times longer in males. Thorax. Pronotum (Figs. 8 A���B) as long as wide, rounded sides, with large granules aligned at center of pronotum toward sides; with yellowish, decumbent, flattened scales forming longitudinal rows on sides and in center on posterior margin, small tufts in apical region, shorter, dark setae distributed sparsely throughout pronotum between granules, and clusters of yellowish scales. Elytra (Figs. 8 A���B) about 1.6 times longer than wide, with large and numerous tubercles, with one tubercle very high in second interstria in center of elytra, 4���7 large tubercles in third interstria, 3���5 median tubercles in fifth interstria, smaller tubercles in humeri, in sides, and apex of elytra; apical elytral calli acute, covered with small granules; with orange, flattened scales more condensed in apical and posterior thirds, black scales very short, distributed in middle third, more condensed between striae 3 and 4, cluster of whitish scales inserted into anterior margin of apical elytral calli; elytral striae moderately coarse in basal third, becoming finer toward apex, flat interstriae. Male genitalia. Median lobe of aedeagus (Fig. 18F) about 1.2 smaller than median lobe apodemes, apex with slight depression in center, with two small tufts of short setae laterally; internal sac sclerite robust, bifurcate, with two rounded projections at ends (Fig. 19E). Tegmen (Fig. 20E). Dorsal lobes slightly pointed, manubrium broad from base, about 1.5 times longer than dorsal lobes. Female genitalia (Fig. 21E). Coxites elongate, with short setae at apex; styli cylindrical, with short setae at apex. Spermathecal duct of median length inserted into median third of bursa copulatrix, below common oviduct. Spermathecal capsule (Fig. 22E) curved, collum with roughness on inner margin, cornu rounded at apex, ramus developed, spermathecal gland rounded, with slight prolongation at apex. Dimensions (mm). Males/females, respectively. TBL: 8.9���11.2/8.8���11.4; TRL: 2.0���3.3/2.7���4.0; MHx: 3.4��� 4.3/3.3���4.5; RAW: 0.7���0.8/0.7���0.8; RBW: 0.7���0.8/0.7���0.8; IO: 0.3���0.5/0.3���0.4; PnL: 2.4���3.0/2.4���3.1; PnMW: 3.2���3.8/3.2���4.0; PnBW: 2.9���3.7/2.6���3.7; EL: 6.4���8.2/6.3���8.4; EW: 4.2���5.2/4.1���5.2. Non-type material examined. In total, 106 specimens were examined. BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Faz. Dos Campos, Virginia, 1♂, 2.xii.1918, J.F. Zikan (FIOC), 1♂, 23.xii.1917, J.F. Zikan (FIOC), 1♂, 30.x.1917, J.F. Zi- kan (FIOC), Rio Parana��ba, 3♀, 13♂, 02.i.2017, D.S. Reis (UFV); Esp��rito Santo: Rio Lamego, 1♀, xii.1958, A. Maller (DZUP), Santa Teresa, 1♂, 4.xii.1966, C.T. & C. Elias (DZUP); Rio de Janeiro: Corcovado, 1♂, i.1967, Alvarenga & Seabra (DZUP), 1♀, ii.1968, Alvarenga & Seabra (DZUP), 1♀, iii.1969, Alvarenga & Seabra (DZUP), 1♂, x.1967, Alvarenga & Seabra (DZUP), 1, xii.1968, S. Fragoso (MNRJ), Floresta Tijuca, 1♂, 17.i.1961, F.M. Oliveira (DZUP), 1♀, 5.ii.1961, C.A. Campos Seabra (DZUP), Guapimirim, 1♂, 12.x.1993, Renata S.N. Costa (FIOC), Itatiaia, 1♀, 1.xi.1927, J.F. Zikan (FIOC), 1♀, 2.ix.1938, J.F. Zikan (FIOC), 1♀, 23.ix.1948, J.F. Zikan (FIOC), 1♀, 27.i.1933, J.F. Zikan (FIOC), 1♂ (FIOC), Itatiaia, 1♀, 1♂, ix.1929, Dario Mendes (MNRJ), Rio de Ja- neiro, 1♀, 5.x.1955, C.A. Campos Seabra (MNRJ), Rio Murihae, 1♂, 15.xi.1908, J.F. Zikan (FIOC), Theres��polis, 1♀, i.1934, Travassos (MNRJ); S��o Paulo: Borac��a���Sales��polis, 1♂, 14.iv.1957 (FIOC), 1♀, 8���14.ii.1959, Travas- sos, Kloss & Pearson (FIOC), Em. Coelho, 1♀, xi.1920 (MNRJ), Est. S��o Paulo, 1, 15.xi.1998, S. Am (MNRJ), S. Jos�� Barreiro, 1♀, i.1969, M. Alvarenga (DZUP), 1♀, 1♂, xi.1968, Alvarenga & Seabra (DZUP); Paran��: Alto da Serra���Curitiba, 1, 15���17.xii.1952, Trav. & Pearson (MNRJ), Arapongas, 1, i.1952, A. Maller (MNRJ), 1♀, 8, 2♂, ii.1952, A. Maller (MNRJ), 1, xi.1951, A. Maller (MNRJ), 1, xii.1968, A. Maller (MNRJ), Arapongas, 1♂, xii.1951, A. Maller (DZUP), Curitiba, 1♂, 18.x.1976, F. Giacomel (DZUP), 1♀, 2.i.2000, O. Mielke (DZUP), 1♀, 27.xii.1999, O. Mielke (DZUP), 1♀, 1♂, i.1979, F. Giacomel (DZUP), Jussara, 2♀, 1♂, 1���3.xi.1974, Exp. Dep. Zoo (DZUP), Marumbi, 1♂, 18.vi.1956, S. Laroca (DZUP), Marumbi���Morretes, 1♂, 14.ii.1967, Laroca & Giacomel, light trap (DZUP), Matel��ndia, 1♀, iii.1962, A. Maller (DZUP), Ponta Grossa, 1♀, ix.1943 (DZUP), S. Jos�� dos Pinhais, 1♂, 15.xii.1984, C.I.I.F., light trap (DZUP), 1♂, 8.i.1970, Giacomel-Laroca & Becker (DZUP); Santa Catarina: Corup��, 1♀, ii.1964, A. Maller (DZUP), Corup��, 1, ii.1938, A. Maller (MNRJ), 1, xii.1953, A. Maller (MNRJ), Joinvile, 1♂, 3.xii.1969, Mielke Laroca (DZUP), Nova Teut��nia, 1♂, i.1974, Fritz Plaumann (DZUP), 1♀, 1♂, iii.1977, Fritz Plaumann (DZUP), 2♀, x.1973, Fritz Plaumann (DZUP), 1♀, x.1978, Fritz Plaumann (DZUP), 1♂, xi.1973, Fritz Plaumann (DZUP), 1♀, xi.1977, Fritz Plaumann (DZUP), 1♀, xii.1973, Fritz Plaumann (DZUP), 1♂, xii.1975, Fritz Plaumann (DZUP), Rio Natal, 1♀, xi.1960, A. Maller (DZUP), Rio Vermelho, 2♀, 3♂, xii.1948, Dirings (MZSP), S. Bento do Sul, 1♀, 2♂, i.1950, Dirings (MZSP), S��o Bento, 2, i.1952, A. Maller (MNRJ), 2, xii.1951, A. Maller (MNRJ), Timb��, 1♀, iv.1956, Dirings (MZSP). Undefined locality: Santos, 1 (MNRJ); Santos, 1♂ (MNRJ). Geographical distribution. This species occurs in Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina (Wibmer & O���Brien 1986), and we present the distribution for the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (Minas Gerais, Esp��rito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, S��o Paulo, Paran��, and Santa Catarina states) (Fig. 23F). Associated plants. Two adults specimens of the DZUP/UFPR Collection collected in Curitiba, Paran��, were recorded on Mamica sp. (Bombacaceae). Reis et al. (2018) was the first to register the association of adults of H. freyreissi with avocado trees (Persea americana Mill.) (Lauraceae), feeding on the tender lateral branches, the central leaf vein, inflorescences, peduncles, and fruits at the beginning of development in commercial orchards in Rio Parana��ba, Minas Gerais. Remarks. This species differs from others in the genus by the elevated elytral tubercles.
Published as part of Lira, Aline De Oliveira, Sousa, Wesley Oliveira De, Rosado-Neto, Germano Henrique, Santos, Geane Brizzola Dos & Marques, Marin��z Isaac, 2020, A review of the South American species of Heilus Kuschel, 1955 (Curculionidae Molytinae: Molytini: Hylobiina) with emphasis on those from Brazil, pp. 151-187 in Zootaxa 4861 (2) on pages 166-168, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4861.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/4414684
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