Study of screen printed metallization for polysilicon based passivating contacts

Autor: M.K. Stodolny, Jochen Löffler, Yu Wu, Martijn Lenes, G.J.M. Janssen, E.H. Ciftpinar, Jurriaan Schmitz, Jan-Marc Luchies, L.J. Geerligs
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Energy procedia, 124, 851-861. Elsevier
ISSN: 1876-6102
Popis: We investigate contacting of n- and p-type polysilicon (polySi) passivating contact layers with industrial screen-printed metal pastes, examining both fire through (FT) and non-fire through (NFT) pastes. The n- and p-type polySi layers, deposited by low pressure chemical vapour deposition and doped by POCl3 diffusion, phosphorus implant, or BBr3 diffusion, result in excellent Jo, even for 50 nm thickness (
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