Solifenacin for Overactive Bladder: Patient-Reported Outcomes from a Large Placebo-Controlled Trial

Autor: Indrani Nandy, Scott Serels, Christine Laramée, Marc R. Toglia, Raafat Seifeldin, Mickey M. Karram, Masakazu Andoh, Sergio Forero-Schwanhaeuser
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Postgraduate Medicine. 121:151-158
ISSN: 1941-9260
Popis: Overactive bladder (OAB) is a prevalent, chronic condition that can negatively affect health-related quality of life (HRQL). Treatment goals are to improve symptoms and HRQL. We assessed the efficacy of solifenacin in OAB patients using several patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures, with a focus on urgency severity. Results for the primary endpoint, reductions in daily urgency episodes, and other bladder-diary variables have been recently reported.In this 12-week multicenter trial, 739 patients (agedor= 18 years) were randomized to flexibly dosed solifenacin (5/10 mg) or placebo. Prespecified secondary PRO measures included the Indevus Urgency Severity Scale (IUSS), Urgency Perception Scale (UPS), Patient Perception of Bladder Condition (PPBC), and Overactive Bladder Questionnaire (OAB-q). Appropriate statistical tests compared treatment-group differences in continuous and categorical data.In the full analysis set, patients who received solifenacin (n = 357) versus placebo (n = 350) showed significant improvements on the IUSS and UPS; treatment-group differences were 0.4 (P0.0001) and 0.2 (P = 0.0018), respectively. On the PPBC, significantly more patients taking solifenacin (66%) than placebo (48%) perceived fewer bladder-related problems (P0.0001) by week 12. On the OAB-q, solifenacin was superior to placebo for the Symptom Bother and total HRQL scales and for 3 of the 4 HRQL domains at study end (Por= 0.01). Overall, these findings were consistent with those reported previously for bladder-diary-documented urgency and other OAB symptoms.Flexibly dosed, once-daily solifenacin was associated with statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvements in urgency and other symptom-specific bother and HRQL compared with placebo.
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