Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) gualanensis Cockerell 1912

Autor: Mérida-Rivas, Jorge A., Hinojosa-Díaz, Ismael A., Ayala-Barajas, Ricardo, Pozo, Carmen, Vandame, Rémy
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6821841
Popis: Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) gualanensis Cockerell, 1912 (Figs. 66–74, 120–122, 138) Xylocopa wilmattae gualanensis Cockerell, 1912: 555. Holotype: American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA (♀). Type locality: Guatemala, Gualan. Diagnosis. Body length, female, 21.56 mm (17.19–23.86; n=5); male, 21.53 mm (20.29–21.93; n=5). Female: Head without elevated ridges or prominences on frons; ocelli below tangent of the eyes; area between parapsidal line and mesoscutal disc with scattered punctures (separated by two or more times their diameter); wings bluish with purple iridescence basally and on middle area, papillate region with dark green iridescence (Fig. 69); pubescence evenly black; T1 densely punctate on discal area (punctures separated by one diameter or less), T2 and T3 less densely punctate (punctures separated by two or three diameters) (Fig. 70); T4 with punctures separated by three or more times their diameter; length of hairs on terga respect MOD, T2 0.25–0.37, T3 0.29–0.60, T4 0.44–0.88, T5 0.57– 1.08. Male: Terga yellowish-orange, without bands; metasoma with yellowish-orange pubescence; Posterior tibia internal distal extreme with prominent subapical projection, recurved distally defining a evident concave area; posterior margin of this process with a well-defined laminar margin of almost a third of the internal posterior margin of the tibia (Fig. 74); length of hairs on terga respect MOD, T2 0.27–0.51, T3 0.72–1.17, T4 0.67–1.58, T5 0.90–1.58. Tip of the lateral process of gonostylus ending oval-shaped (as broad as shaft of the process). Description. Female: Integument and pubescence usually black; wings bluish with purple iridescence on basal and middle areas; papillate region with dark green iridescence (Fig. 69); venation black. Body length 21.56 mm (17.19–23.86; n=5); length of forewing 18.31 mm (17.13–20.19; n=5); length of head 5.31 mm (4.94–5.67; n=5); intertegular distance 6.56 mm (5.95–6.97; n=5); width of T2 9.62 mm (8.46–10.26; n=5) Head: Clypeus, genal area and vertex with densely punctate. Mesosoma: between the parapsidal line and discal area with scattered punctures, separated by two or more times their diameter; scutellum convex in profile. Metasoma: T1 with dense punctures on discal area, separated by one time or less their diameter. T2 and T3 with dense punctures, separated by two or three times their diameter; T4 with punctures separated by three or more times their diameter; T5 and T6 with dense appressed punctures. Length of hairs on terga respect MOD as follows: T2 0.25–0.37, T3 0.29–0.60, T4 0.44–0.88, T5 0.57–1.08. Male: Integument and pubescence yellowish-orange. Head: Clypeus with a dark brown middle longitudinal line that reaches the discal region (Fig. 71). Wings light brown (orange), venation brown light to reddish. Body length 21.53 mm (20.29–21.93; n=5); length of forewing 17.19 mm (16.28–17.86; n=5); head length 3.94 mm (3.82–4.02; n=5); intertegular distance 6.03 mm (5.68–6.63; n=5); width of T2 9.75 mm (9.35–9.94; n=5). Head: Labrum with narrow triangular middle unpunctate area; scattered punctures on the submargin half of the labrum; marginal areas unpunctate. Clypeus: lower margin unpunctate; disc with very scattered punctures; rest of clypeus with scattered punctures, separated one and a half times or more their diameter. Supraclipeal area, paraocular areas, and genal area with dense punctures, similar in size to those on clypeus. With an unpunctate area posterior to the ocelli, of half diameter of the ocelli. Vertex with unpunctate area on the middle; rest of vertex with densely punctate. Mesosoma: Between the parapsidal line and discal area densely punctate, separated by one to one and a half times their diameter. Hind tibia: internal distal extreme with a prominent subapical projection, with recurved distal extreme definining a very evident concave area; posterior margin of this process with a well-defined laminar margin of almost a third of the internal posterior margin of the tibia; internal surface hairless; anterior margin with long hairs, denser and shorter in the apical region; posterior margin with shorter pubescence with long and short hairs (Fig. 74). Metasoma: T2 to T6 with a narrow middle longitudinal line unpunctate; T1 to T7 with densely uniform punctate, separated by approximately twice their diameter. Length of hairs on terga respect MOD as follows: T2 0.27–0.51, T3 0.72–1.17, T4 0.67–1.58, T5 0.90–1.58. Genitalia: Distal angle of the ventral section of the gonostylus, acute (Fig. 122); basal angle at the base of lateral process of the gonostylus, obtuse, barely noticeble (Fig. 121); tip of the lateral process ending on an oval as broad as shaft of the process (Fig. 121). Variation. Throughout the distribución, both sexes present variation in body size and wing iridescence, in the female from dark blue with greenish, to blue and violet with greenish iridescence; the iridescence in the papillate region is green; or wings magenta similar to those of X. griswoldi sp. nov. may be a complex of cryptic species, to demostrate this would require molecular studies as well as studies of their distribution. Distribution (Fig. 138). Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, in the following ecoregions (Dinerstein et al. 2017): Dry forests of the Balsas, Dry forests of Central America, Mountainous forests of Central America, Pine-oak forests of Central America, Central Mexican Scrubland, Dry forests of the depresion of Chiapas, Seasonal humid forests of Costa Rica, Pacífic isthmus Humid forests, Dry forests of Jalisco, Mesoamerican-Caribbean Gulf, Spiny scrubland of the Motagua valley, Mangroves of the Mesoamerican Pacific north, Swamps of Centla, Humid forests of Petén-Veracruz, Humid forests of the Sierra Madre of Chiapas, Pine-oak forests of the Sierra Madre del Sur, Pine-oak forests of the Sierra Madre Occidental, Dry forests of Sinaloa, Mangroves of the South Pacífic of Mesoamerica, Dry forests of the South Pacific, Pine-oak forests of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt, and Scrubland of the Tehuacán Valley. Broad altitudinal distribution: 0 to 2132 masl. Material examined. 680 ♀ 28 ♂: COSTA RICA : 3 ♀ (MZUCR); Alajuela : Palmares: Zaragoza, 10.03955, -84.42252; 998 m, 6-V-2007, F. Ruíz, 1 ♀ (MZUCR). Guanacaste: Finca Montezuma, 3 km SE Río Naranjo, 10.66409, -85.09720; 452 m, 19-V-1993, F. D. Parker, 1 ♀ (BBSL). Hacienda Palo Verde, 2 km E, 10.34990, - 85.33169; 42 m, -1-1974, K. H. Keeler, 1 ♀ (BBSL). Bagaces: Guanacaste 2.5 km E de Bagaces, 10.51667, - 85.23334; 40 m, 22-XI-2001, J. Weng, 2 ♀ (MNCR). Lomas de Barbudal, 10.46667, -85.35001; 90 m, 18-XI-2001, F. Umaña, 1 ♀; A. Soto, 1 ♀ (MNCR). P. N. Palo Verde, Sector Palo Verde, 10.36667, -85.38326; 107 m, 8-II-2000, I. Jímenez, 1 ♀ (MNCR). Cañas: 10.42670, -85.09590; 85 m, 14-XI-1971, F. Cordero, 2 ♀ 2 ♂ (BBSL). Cañas, 14 km S, EJN, 10.30, -85.0956, 36 m, 8-III-1988, F. D. Parker: 15 ♀, 9-VII-1988, 1 ♀; 24-III-1989, 1 ♀; 7-V-1989, 2 ♀; 28-X-1989, 1 ♀; 11-I-1990, 1 ♀; 15-II-1990, 1 ♀ 1 ♂; 1-IV-1990, 2 ♀; 20-VII-1990, 1 ♂; 1-VIII-1990, 5 ♀; 1- X-1990, 1 ♀; 16-III-1991, 1 ♀; 12-II-1991, 2 ♀ (BBSL). Cañas, 4 km N, 10.46554, -85.09310; 97 m, 15-II-1966, D. Janzen, 1 ♀ (SEMC). La Pacifica, 4 km NW Cañas, 10.48349, -85.13790; 75 m, 20-VI-1971, F. Cordero, 1 ♂; 15-XI-1971, F. Cordero, 1 ♀; P. A. Opler, 1 ♀; 1-III-1974, P. A. Opler, 1 ♀ (BBSL). Carrillo: Playas del Coco, 10.54694, -85.69388; 15 m, 23-IV-1961, A. Wille, 1 ♀ (MZUCR), 10-VII-1965, S. J. Arnold, 1 ♀, 14-VII-1965, S. J. Arnold, 1 ♀; 21-VIII-1965, S. J. Arnold, 1 ♀ (EBCH). La Cruz: P. N. Guanacaste, Agua Buena, 11.03366, - 85.57695; 220 m, 1-II-1992, 1 ♀ (MNCR). P. N. Guanacaste, Cerro el Hacha, 10.89985, -85.57733; 400 m, 11-I- 1988, A. Solís, 1 ♀ (MNCR). Santa Elena, Finca Jenny, 10.86551, -85.57354; 200 m, 1-IX-1988, 2 ♀; 1-X-1988, 19 ♀; 1-XI-1988, 4 ♀; 1-XII-1988, 9 ♀; 1-III-1989, 2 ♀ (MNCR). Liberia: Curubandé, 16.4 km NE Liberia, 10.71667, -85.38334; 360 m, 22-XI-2001, C. Godoy, 1 ♀; J. Weng, 2 ♀ (MNCR). Mayorga, Río Góngora, 10.88623, -85.47209; 600 m, 1-VI-1992, 1 ♀ (MNCR). Nacascolo, P.N.S. R., Playa Naranjo, 10.80271, -85.67479; 1 m, 1-XII- 1990, E. Alcazar, 1 ♀ (MNCR). P. N. Sta. Rosa, Estación Santa Rosa, 10.83641, -85.61549; 300 m, 1-II-1992, R. Moraga, 3 ♀; D. Brenes, 1 ♀; 1-VI-1992, Hayata, 3 ♀ (MNCR). Sector Las Pailas, 4.5 km SW del Volcán Rincón de la Vieja, 10.77678, -85.35191; 800 m, 23-IX-1992, C. Cano, 1 ♀; 5-VIII-1994, D. García, 1 ♀ (MNCR). Nicoya: San Antonio, 3 km NO de Nacaome, P. N. Barra Honda, 10.16822, -85.37366, 100 m, 1-II-1997, M. Reyes, 1 ♀ (MNCR). Santa Cruz: Cuajiniquil W, 10.07560, -85.66249; 250 m, 12-II-1995, T. L. Griswold, 2 ♀ (BBSL). Santa Cruz, R. V. S. Bosque Diriá, Poza Redonda, 10.17374, -85.59589; 150 m, 24-XI-1988, R. Bartón, 1 ♀ (MNCR). Tilarán: Santa Rosa Biological Station, 10.83641, -85.61549; 300 m, 10-III-1986, W. Wcislo, 2 ♀ (SEMC). Santa Rosa National Park, headquarters area, 10.83409, -85.61329; 280 m, 12-II-1995, T. L. Griswold, 1 ♀ (BBSL). Limón : Pococí: Colorado, Estación Cuatro Esquinas, 10.53955, -83.50648; 7 m, 1-IV-1989, R. Aguilar, 1 ♀ (MNCR). Puntarenas: Estación San Miguel, 3 km. NW de Cabo Blanco, 9.58121, -85.13671; 50 m, 1-X-1993, 1 ♀ (MNCR). Golfito, 8.63920, -83.16240; 130 m, 10-IV-1991, F. D. Parker, J. B. Welch, 1 ♀ (BBSL). Isla San Lucas, Puesto Isla San Lucas, 9.94652, -84.90556; 0 m, 7-III-2005, Y. Cárdenas, 2 ♀; J. A. Azofeita, 4 ♀ (MNCR). Paquera, Isla Pan de Azúcar, 9.92643, -84.90411; 0 m, 29-XI-2005, J. A. Azofeita, 2 ♀ (MNCR). San José : Escazú: 9.91670, -84.13330; 1100 m, 31-I-1988, F. D. Parker, 1 ♀; 14-I-1989, F. D. Parker, 1 ♀ (BBSL). Hatillo 3, 9.91649, -84.10458; 1100 m, 4-IV-2000, M. Law, 1 ♀ (MZUCR). San Francisco de dos Ríos, 9.9166, -84.04989; 1100 m, - IV-1988, A. Bernecker, 1 ♀; P. Wiesner, 1 ♀; 30-VIII-1994, 1 ♀ (MZUCR). Montes de Oca, 9.93651, -84.04882; 1200 m, 3-I-1984, 1 ♀; - V-1996, B. Roberto, 1 ♀ (MZUCR). GUATEMALA; Chimaltenango: Finca el Recuerdo, 14.475, -91.122; 483 m, 23-II-2010, C. L. Yurrita, 1 ♀ (CANG). Guatemala: Universidad de San Carlos, 14.58441, -90.55345; 1487 m, 2016, G. Quiñones, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Huehuetenango : La Democracia: Cajuil, 15.63746, - 91.78722; 1026 m, 2-III-2010, J. Mérida, 1 ♂ (CANG), 18-XI-2010, 9:00 h, O. Argüello, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Pinalito, 15.6653, -91.8618; 963 m, 2-III-2010, 8:50 h, M. Cigarroa, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). San Antonio Huista: Miralvalle, 15.66789, -91.95520; 1127 m, 8-V-2010, 2 ♀ (ECOAB). Jutiapa : El Progreso: Hacienda el Tabacal, 14.90908, - 89.99188; 293 m, E. Enriquez, 2-III-2005, 1 ♀; 5-XII-2007, 1 ♀ (CANG). Retalhuleu : Champerico: 1.3 mi E, 14.29017, -91.88639; 10 m, 17-VII-1966, 1 ♀ (SEMC). Retalhuleu, 5 mi W, 14.57312, -91.76502; 232 m, 19-VII- 1966, D. Janzen, 1 ♂ (SEMC). San Marcos: Nuevo Progreso, 14.80588, -91.907277; 770 m, 25-II-2010, O. Martínez, Vernonia deppeana, 1 ♀ (CANG). Zacapa: Río Hondo, El Senegal, 15.220832, -89.632628; 1077 m, 1-III- 2005, E. Enriquez (CANG). Teculután: 7 km W, 14.96972, -89.77520; 261 m, 25-VI-1993, J. Ashe, R. Brooks, 1 ♀ (SEMC). HONDURAS: Francisco Morazán : Zamorano: 14.06600, -86.38352; 461 m, 5-V-1964, G. A. Axtell, 1 ♀ (BBSL). MEXICO: Chiapas : 3 ♀ 3 ♂. Acacoyagua: Rosario Zacatonales, 15.43365, -92.65051; 915 m, 28- V.2005, R. Ayala, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Amatenango de la Frontera: 15.4380, -92.1212; 1069 m, 1-XI-2018, P. Sagot, 1 ♂ (ECOAB). Ángel Albino Corzo: Jerusalén, 15.77486, -92.64197; 885 m, 3-XI-2017, P. Sagot, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Arriaga: Ejido Adolfo López Mateos, 16.32131, -93.98319; 368 m, 20-I-2009, M. Guzmán, 1 ♀; 23-I-2009, C. Balboa, 1 ♀; 10-III-2009, C. Balboa, 3 ♀; M. Cigarroa, 3 ♀; M. Guzmán, 3 ♀; 13-III-2009, J. Mérida, 1 ♀; M. Guzmán, 1 ♀; 22-V-2009, M. Guzmán, 2 ♀; 17-VII-2009, C. Balboa, 1 ♀; 17-XI-2009, C. Balboa, 1 ♀; M. Guzmán, 1 ♀; 20-XI-2009, C. Balboa, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Paraje Poza Verde, 16.34207, -93.95440; 466 m, 24-I-2009, C. Balboa, 1 ♀; M. Guzmán, 1 ♀; 20-V-2009, C. Balboa, 1 ♀; 18-XI-2009, M. Guzmán, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Chiapa de Corzo: Nicolás Bravo, 16.50111, -92.98249; 440 m, 10-III-2016, 8:40 h, P. Sagot, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Comitán de Domínguez: 16.25111, -92.13416; 1643 m, 31-III-2016, 7:25 h, P. Sagot, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Frontera Comalapa: Los Laureles, 15.88592, -92.11727; 575 m, 31-III-2016, 9:35 h, P. Sagot, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Huehuetán: 15.01789, - 92.39390; 86 m, 14-I-1988, L. Godínez, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). La Concordia: Carretera 157, El Diamante, 16.10692, - 92.87352, 579 m, 2-III-2916, 15:08 h, P. Sagot, 3 ♀ (ECOAB). La Trinitaria: 15.9302, -91.9860; 773 m, 3-XI- 2018, 10:05 h, P. Sagot, 3 ♂ 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Carretera La Campana-Malpaso, 16.0271, -92.05389; 769 m, 16-XI-2011, 9:15 h, J. Mérida, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). El Progreso, 16.1143, -91.8704; 1470 m, 21-V-2011, E. Pineda, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). San Francisco de Asís, 16.0118, -92.0267; 767 m, 16-XI-2011, 8:00 h, J-Mérida, 2 ♀ (ECOAB). Mapastepec: Unión Los Olivos-orilla del río, 15.5219, -92.7996; 315 m, 28-V-2005, M. Guzmán, 1 ♀, 23-X-2006, M. Cigarroa, 2 ♀ (ECOAB). Mazapa de Madero: 15.4111, -92.1619; 890 m, 1-XI-2018, 15:05 h, P. Sagot, 1 ♂ (ECOAB). Mazatán: Barra San José, 14.92230, -92.62698; 6 m, 2-II-2019, 9:20 h, G. Mera, 2 ♀; I. Pérez, 3 ♀; P. Sagot, 2 ♀ (ECOAB). Mazatán, 14.85849, -92.45159; 22 m, 20-VI-1988, M. Cigarroa, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Motozintla de Mendoza: Río de Motozintla, 15.3827, -92.2208; 1170 m, 2-XI-2018, 8:00 h, P. Sagot, 1 ♂ (ECOAB). 3 km SW de Motozintla, 15.35, -92.25; 1470 m, 20-IV-1993, J. L. Neff, Jacaranda mimosifolia, 1 ♀ (EBCH). Ocozocoautla: 8.1 km N Nuevo México S de Ocozocoautla, 16.69761, -93.41156; 773 m, 11-IV-1993, C. Mendoza, Lonchocarpus sp, 2 ♀ (EBCH). Palenque: 17.51000, -91.98149; 78 m, 10-IX-1974, G. E. Bohart, W. Hanson, 1 ♀ (BBSL). Pijijiapan: Carr. 200, 15.71307, -93.23767; 78 m, 1-II-2019, 14:00 h, P. Sagot, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Solo Dios, 15.66695, - 93.42535; 9 m, 1-II-2019, 11:25 h, I. Pérez, 5 ♀ (ECOAB). Suchiate: Cosalapa, 14.63969, -92.26749; 10 m, 16-I- 1990, J. Sibaja, 1 ♀; 17-I-1990, J. Sibaja, 3 ♀; 24-I-1990, A. Aquino, 3 ♀; J. Sibaja, 2 ♀; 23-XI-1990, J. Sibaja, 2 ♀ (ECOAB). Tapachula: 36.7 km N Tapachula, 15.103, -92.3097; 440 m, 17-IV-1993, A. Rodríguez, 1 ♀ (EBCH). Carretera Jaritas, 14.78299, -92.36790; 30 m, 17-I-1990, J. Sibaja, 1 ♀; 19-I-1990, A. Aquino, 1 ♀; 24-I-1990, A. Aquino, 1 ♀; J. Sibaja, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Col. Seminarista, 14.89279, -92.24909; 152 m, 26-IV-1992, A. Aquino, 1 ♀; 23-I-1997, A. Aquino, 1 ♀; 18-II-1997, A. Aquino, 1 ♀; 23-III-1997, A. Aquino, 1 ♀; 8-IV-1997, A. Aquino, 1 ♀; 8-VII-1997, M. Vargas, 1 ♂ (ECOAB). Ecosur 14.88669, -92.28660; 127 m, 4-XI-1992, 12:00 h, A. Aquino, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Finca Pumpuapa, 14.92638, -92.36361; 48 m, 25-II-1987, 9:15 h, L. Godínez, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Joaquín Miguel Gutiérrez, 14.74328, -92.31274; 28 m, 3-VII-2014 9:00 h, M. Guzmán 1 ♀; 8-V-2015, 9:00 h, J. Ruíz, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Lagartero, 14.8277, -92.2638; 80 m, 3-XII-1986, R. Balbuena, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Panteón Jardín, 14.8942, -92.2472; 156 m, 1-VII-1997, A. Aquino, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Rancho Santa Teresita, 14.9048, -92.3144; 102 m, 10- VIII-1987, L. Mendoza, 4 ♀ (ECOAB). Tapachula, 14.88669, -92.28660; 127 m, 29-VIII-1986, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Teopisca: 16.53045, -92.46939; 1776 m, 13-IV-1993, C. Mendoza, Wigandia kunthii, 1 ♀ (EBCH). Tonalá: Ejido Nueva Costa Rica, 16.1352, -93.6824; 408 m, 19-I-2009, C. Balboa, 5 ♀; 22-I-2009, C. Balboa, 1 ♀; 9-III-2009, P. Sagot, 2 ♀; 18-V-2009, M. Guzmán, 1 ♀; 14-IX-2009, M. Guzmán, 1 ♀; 16-XI-2009, C. Balboa, 4 ♀ (ECOAB). El Madresal, 15.80021, -93.60083; 7 m, 19-XI-2017, 10:00 h, P. Sagot, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Manglar, 15.87592, -93.71470; 5 m, 31-I-2019, 13:20 h, P. Sagot, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Puerto Arista, 15.94839, -93.83723; 5 m, 31-1-2019, G. Mera, 1 ♀; I. Pérez, 4 ♀; P. Sagot, 6 ♀ (ECOAB). Puerto Arista, 15.94282, -93.82458; 6 m, 9-X-2015, I. Hinojosa, 1 ♀ (CNIN). Tuxtla Chico: El Manguito, 14.8903, -92.2314; 161 m, 13-V-1992, A. Aquino, 1 ♀; M. Rincón, 4 ♀ (ECOAB). Rosario Izapa, 14.9733, -92.1546; 445 m, 24-VI-2005, H. Gallardo, 1 ♀; 8-VII-2005, M. Méndez, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Tuxtla Gutiérrez: 16.72786, -93.13071; 752 m, 10-VI-1991, J. Ashe, 1 ♀ (SEMC). Tuxtla Gutiérrez, 16.75826, -93.10615; 524 m, 27-V-1984, O. Morales, 1 ♀ (EBCH). Tzimol: 25 km SE S. Fco. Pujiltic, 16.16257, -92.26355; 590 m, 21-IV-1993, F. A. Noguera, Tecoma stans, 1 ♀; G. C. Eickwort, Tecoma stans, 1 ♀; W. E. LaBerge, 1 ♀ (EBCH). Unión Juárez: 15.0618, -92.08; 1310 m, 28-VII-2001, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Venustiano Carranza: Carretera Pujiltic-Venustiano Carranza, 16.30446, -92.53471; 637 m, 2-I-2017, P. Sagot, 1 ♀ (ECOAB). Venustiano Carranza, 16.3166, -92.5666; 621 m, 21-IV-1993, C. Mendoza, Astianthus viminalis, 3 ♀, E. Tovar, Astianthus viminalis, 4 ♀ (EBCH). Villaflores: 24.5 km NW, 16.35666, -93.44499; 730 m, 16-VI-1999, D. Brzoska, 1 ♀ (SEMC). Colima: Armeria: Highway 200— Armeria R., 18.93103, -103.96384; 20 m, 22-II-1992, D. Brzoska, 1 ♀ (SEMC). Comala: 19.34572, -103.79819; 594 m, 15-XI-2012, 10:00 h, J. Mérida, 2 ♀ (ECOAB). Minatitlán: 33 km NW Colima, 19.40693, -103.96889; 867 m, 19-VI-1989, C. Everaert, 1 ♀ (EBCH). Tecomán: Pascuales Malecón, 18.8494, -103.9536; 16 m, 3-X-2010, R. Ayala, 3 ♀ (EBCH). Guerrero: Acapulco: 16.87111, -99.89777; 87 m, 6-VIII-1954, Univ. of Kansas Mex. Exp
Published as part of Mérida-Rivas, Jorge A., Hinojosa-Díaz, Ismael A., Ayala-Barajas, Ricardo, Pozo, Carmen & Vandame, Rémy, 2022, Revision of carpenter bees of the subgenus Neoxylocopa Michener (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from Mexico and Mesoamerica, pp. 1-67 in Zootaxa 5158 (1) on pages 39-46, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5158.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/6758794
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