Time-domain reflectance diffuse optical tomography for imaging breast cancer

Autor: Shu Homma, Etsuko Ohmae, Tetsuya Mimura, Satoshi Goshima, Norihiro Suzuki, Hiroaki Suzuki, Hiroko Wada, Yuko Asano, Nobuko Yoshizawa, Yukio Ueda, Kenji Yoshimoto, Hiroyuki Ogura
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue XIV.
Popis: We report a time-domain reflectance diffuse optical tomography (TD-RDOT) system for providing three-dimensional images of hemoglobin concentration, tissue oxygen saturation, water and lipid contents of breast cancer from reflectance measurements. A scan area of 5×5 grid points with a 10-mm spacing is marked on the breast surface so that the tumor is just below the center of the area. The breast scan is performed by measuring the temporal profiles of six wavelengths at each grid point using a time-domain diffuse optical spectroscopy (TD-DOS) system and a hand-held probe. The TD-DOS system that we developed is capable of measuring water and lipid contents and hemoglobin concentration. The hand-held probe is designed to measure the breast in reflectance mode with a source-to-detector separation of 20 mm. The three-dimensional distributions of the tissue parameters are restored using an iterative image reconstruction method. As a preliminary clinical demonstration, a breast cancer patient with a tumor size of approximately 20 mm was examined with the TD-RDOT. The reconstructed images show that the breast cancer had high hemoglobin concentration and water content, and low tissue oxygen saturation and lipid content. The results indicate that the TD-RDOT system has the potential to provide diagnostically relevant information on the tissue characteristics of the tumor at the bedside.
Event: SPIE BiOS, 2021, Online OnlySPIE Photonics West
Databáze: OpenAIRE