Complementary Genetic Control of Differential Compatibility in Rusts

Autor: James G. Dickson, Arthur L. Flangas
Rok vydání: 1961
Zdroj: The Quarterly Review of Biology. 36:254-272
ISSN: 1539-7718
Popis: A genetic analysis of pathogenic and antigenic specificity of Puccinia sorghi on four dominant alleles at the Rp locus and on two recessive alleles for resistance in lines of corn permits a theoretical interpretation of genetic control of host-obligate parasite interaction in the light of recent biochemical genetical concepts. The dominant alleles at the Rp locus condition resistance (incompatibility manifested as necrotic fleck) and score a varying spectrum of pathogenic types in the fungus. Each allele is differentially vulnerable (compatible to infection in varying degrees) to one or more pathogenic types of the fungus. The four alleles are complementary in varying dimension, i.e., both quanlitatively and quantitatively, in conditioning rust reaction. The alleles apparently do not influence antigen production in the pathogen significantly. The gene structural analysis of the Rp locus in presently impractical because of the paucity of mutant markers in this region of chromosome X. The data on inheritanc...
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