Chromatographic identification of a biochemical alteration in the aqueous humour of megalophthalmic Black Moor goldfish

Autor: San Aye Ma, Lei Zhou, Kwok-Wai Lam, David T. Yew, Helen W.L. Lai
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Journal of chromatography. B, Biomedical sciences and applications. 751(2)
ISSN: 1387-2273
Popis: Purpose: To observe if any biochemical abnormalities exist between the eye of megalophthalmic and non-megalophthalmic goldfish by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Method: Aqueous humour and sera from megalophthalmic and non-megalophthalmic goldfish were subjected to HPLC and monitored by photodiode array detection (Waters, MA, USA). Results: An unusual accumulation of a compound with a UV absorption maximum at 290 nm was observed in the aqueous humour of megalophthalmic eye. This compound was also present in the sera of both normal goldfish and one of its megalophthalmic mutant. However, it was significantly elevated in the aqueous humour of the megalophthalmic eye only. This compound concentration was very high in the eye of small fish and its concentration increased only slightly with the expansion of the eye in larger fish. Conclusions: The presence of this compound in the serum and aqueous humour indicates a specific systemic metabolic variation in Black Moor goldfish not seen other animal species we had studied (humans, bovine, chick, rabbits and rats). The marked elevation of this compound in the megalophthalmic eye indicates a possible association of this compound with the metabolic variation accounting for the expansion of the eye in megalophthalmic goldfish.
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