The effect of reservoir expansion from underground karst cave to surface reservoir on water quality in southwestern China

Autor: Meng Lu, Xiao-Dan Wang, Fu-Jun Yue, Zi-Han Liu, Zhi-Yu Shi, Ping Zhang
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 30:24718-24728
ISSN: 1614-7499
Popis: Due to the excessive exploitation of traditional energy sources, the attention paid to water energy has increased in recent years. As an important means to effectively utilize water energy, reservoirs play an important role in drinking water, irrigation, flood control, and drought resistance. However, utilizing reservoirs often led to water quality issues resulting from the interaction of nutrients and hydrological conditions, especially due to the special structure of karst areas. Because of the change of hydrological conditions by the effect of dam construction, the dynamic of water quality will be more obvious in karst areas with a fast exchange of water and contaminants between underground and surface streams. In the present study, the change in water quality of a karst reservoir, the Muzhu Reservoir in the Houzhai Catchment, was studied. Long-term monitored datasets (1981-2002) and water quality datasets of more recent years were used to assess the effect on the water quality of reservoir expansion from the underground reservoir to the surface reservoir in a karst area. Long-term series datasets had shown that the hydro-chemistry type had been changed from HCO
Databáze: OpenAIRE