Polyomavirus-associated Prostatitis in Wistar Han Rats Following Immunosuppression in a Chronic Toxicity Study

Autor: Katherine Masek-Hammerman, Marie Debrue, Laurence O. Whiteley, Zaher A. Radi, Lindsay Tomlinson, Thomas P. Brown, Walter F. Bobrowski
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Toxicologic pathology. 45(5)
ISSN: 1533-1601
Popis: Chronic prostatitis characterized on light microscopic examination by moderate, multifocal, predominantly lymphocytic inflammation associated with epithelial atypia and intranuclear and cytoplasmic inclusion-like material was identified in the prostate gland of 2 Wistar Han rats administered an immunomodulatory test article in a 6-month chronic toxicity study. Transmission electron microscopy of the prostate glands identified 45-nm, nonenveloped, icosahedral virions arranged in paracrystalline array within the cell nuclei in 1 of the 2 rats. The size, shape, location, and array pattern were most consistent with a polyomavirus. The light and electron microscopic findings after immunosuppression in our case have a resemblance to a polyomavirus recently reported to affect prostate gland epithelium in a colony of immunocompromised X-linked severe combined immune deficiency rats. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of light and electronic microscopic lesions in the reproductive tract associated with polyomavirus following chronic immunosuppression in a widely used, wild-type Wistar Han rat.
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