Subaru Telescope -- History, Active/Adaptive Optics, Instruments, and Scientific Achievements

Autor: Masanori Iye
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series B, Physical and Biological Sciences
Popis: The Subaru Telescope is an 8.2 m optical/infrared telescope constructed during 1991--1999 and has been operational since 2000 on the summit area of Maunakea, Hawaii, by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). This paper reviews the history, key engineering issues, and selected scientific achievements of the Subaru Telescope. The active optics for a thin primary mirror was the design backbone of the telescope to deliver a high-imaging performance. Adaptive optics with a laser-facility to generate an artificial guide-star improved the telescope vision to its diffraction limit by cancelling any atmospheric turbulence effect in real time. Various observational instruments, especially the wide-field camera, have enabled unique observational studies. Selected scientific topics include studies on cosmic reionization, weak/strong gravitational lensing, cosmological parameters, primordial black holes, the dynamical/chemical evolution/interactions of galaxies, neutron star mergers, supernovae, exoplanets, proto-planetary disks, and outliers of the solar system. The last described are operational statistics, plans and a note concerning the culture-and-science issues in Hawaii.
35 pages, 46 figures, 3 table, soon to be published in the Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B
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