Engineering and evaluation of a suprachoroidal retinal prosthesis

Autor: Petoe, M, Nayagam, D, Shivdasani, M, Villalobos, J, Burns, O, Thien, P, Epp, S, McGowan, C, Williams, RA, Salinas-LaRosa, CM, Abbott, C, Brandli, A, Yeoh, J, Korikkar, M, Titchener, S, Seligman, P, Kentler, W, Barnes, N, Walker, J, Dengate, R, Scott, A, Luu, C, Ayton, L, Williams, C, Shepherd, R, Allen, P
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Artificial Vision 2017; 20171201-20171202; Aachen; DOC17artvis26 /20171130/
DOI: 10.3205/17artvis26
Popis: Objective: To describe ongoing safety evaluation and preparation for human clinical trial of our 44-channel suprachoroidal retinal prosthesis. Materials and Methods: Hardware and software development of a portable vision processor has been concurrent with pre-clinical assessment of the 44-channel[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]
Artificial Vision 2017
Databáze: OpenAIRE