Additional file 2 of Can DNA help trace the local trade of pangolins? Conservation genetics of white-bellied pangolins from the Dahomey Gap (West Africa)

Autor: Zanvo, Stanislas, Djagoun, Chabi A. M. S., Azihou, Akomian F., Djossa, Bruno, Afiademanyo, Komlan, Olayemi, Ayodeji, Agbangla, Cl��ment, Sinsin, Brice, Gaubert, Philippe
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.19174085.v1
Popis: Additional file 2: Table S2. Diversity indices calculated from the control region (CR1) among the white-bellied pangolin lineages. Table S3. FST values (below diagonal) and associated levels of significance (above diagonal) for the different partition schemes (i), (ii) and (iii). South and North in the partition schemes refer to Benin country. Table S4. Inbreeding coefficient in white-belled pangolin populations as delineated in the 6-partition scheme (i). Figure S1. Haplotype network (control region) within the Dahomey Gap lineage. Haplotype numbers refer to Table S1. Short bars correspond to mutation numbers. Figure S2. Assignment plots among the white-bellied pangolins from the Dahomey Gap as assessed with STRUCTURE for K = 2 (top) and K = 3 (bottom). Each individual is represented by a vertical bar. Figure S3. Geographic partition schemes used for computing pairwise differentiations (FST). (i) 6-partition scheme including the forest habitats with at least 7 individuals, (ii) 3-partition scheme among South Benin-Central Benin-Togo, (iii) gradient-based 3-partition scheme within Benin. Figure S4. Spatial clustering of white-belled pangolins in the Dahomey Gap obtained using Geneland for K = 7 (Geneland; above) and K = 3 (Structure; below). Figure S5. Unbiased probability of identity (uPI) and probability of identity among siblings (PIsibs) for increasing, optimized combinations among the 20 microsatellite markers. Figure S6. Mean private allelic richness per locus in white-bellied pangolin populations (6-partition scheme), as estimated from ADZE (N = 7). FGN: Gnanhouizounm��, FL: Lama, FMK: Mont Kouf��, FOS: Ou��m�� Sup��rieur, FWM: Wari Maro and TG: forests of central Togo. Figure S7. Mean private allelic frequencies per population (forest habitat), as estimated by rarefaction from ADZE. FGN: Gnanhouizounm��, FL: Lama, FMK: Mont Kouf��, FOS: Ou��m�� Sup��rieur, FWM: Wari Maro and TG: forests of central Togo. The names of the three loci cross-validated (ADZE and GenAlEx) and used for the tracing (i.e. private alleles found in market individuals) appear in green. The four loci cross-validated (ADZE and GenAlEx) but not used for the tracing (i.e. private alleles not found in market individuals) appear in blue. The other four loci revealed using rarefaction but not observed in the actual dataset (GenAlEx) appear in orange.
Databáze: OpenAIRE