In terms of geographical indicators change of rural in Turkey (1980-2012 period)Coğrafi göstergeler açısından Türkiye’de kırsal değişim (1980-2012 dönemi)
Autor: | Fethi Ahmet Canpolat, Selçuk Hayli |
Rok vydání: | 2018 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi; Vol 15, No 4 (2018); 2229-2256 Journal of Human Sciences; Vol 15, No 4 (2018); 2229-2256 |
ISSN: | 2458-9489 1303-5134 |
DOI: | 10.14687/jhs.v15i4.5418 |
Popis: | Through the history of mankind, development and change have been an inevitable process, under the influence of both compelling factors, and facilitating and motivating factors. But this change, together with the agrarian and industrial revolutions, has magnified its influence and scale. Especially after the first industrial revolution, rural areas have also been affected by the process which has reached the global scale. This study aims to determine the elements of development and change. In this study, the effects of rural Turkey is concerned that place in which to analyze the elements. For this purpose, the phenomenon of change is explained by three main headings of population, settlement and economic structure and the subheadings that constitute them. In the study, land observations, literature search and statistical data were used. It focuses mainly on the changes that took place in the period after the 1980s. For this reason statistical data includes the relevant period. Population-related changes in rural areas include the decrease in the rate of natural population growth, the average age of the population, the decrease in the average number of households, the increase in seasonal and day-to-day mobility, the less migration to cities and the improvement of socio-economic structure. In the rural settlement structure, there are changes such as the increase of completely empty villages, the shift towards urban architecture in rural dwellings, decentralization in the dwelling places and the dilution of the settlement texture. Finally, in the economic structure, it is noteworthy that the rural areas near the cities are transformed into urban functional areas, the use of intensive farming methods, the improvement of transportation and communication activities, the transition to urban life style in production and consumption patterns and the widespread multi-economic activity structure are fundamental changes. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file . Ozet Insanlik tarihi boyunca gerek zorlayici faktorlerin gerekse kolaylastiran ve motive eden faktorlerin etkisiyle gelisme ve buna bagli degisim kacinilmaz bir surec olagelmistir. Ancak bu degisim tarim ve sanayi devrimleriyle beraber etkisini ve olcegini buyutmustur. Ozellikle birinci sanayi devrimi sonrasi gerceklesen ilerlemelerle kuresel olcege erisen surecten, kentsel alanlarin yaninda kirsal alanlar da etkilenmistir. Soz konusu etkilerin Turkiye kirsalinda hangi unsurlarda gerceklestigini analiz etmeye yonelik olan bu calismada, nufus, yerlesme ve iktisadi yapi olmak uzere uc ana baslik ve bunlari olusturan alt basliklar uzerinden degisim olgusu somutlastirilmaya calisilmistir. Calismada arazi gozlemleri, literatur taramasi ve istatistiki veriler kullanilmistir. Agirlikli olarak 1980 sonrasi donemde meydana gelen degisimler uzerinde duruldugundan istatistiki veriler bu donemi kapsamaktadir. Turkiye kirsalinda nufusla ilgili degisimler arasinda dogal nufus artis hizinin azalmasi, nufusun yas ortalamasinin yukselmesi, ortalama hane halki sayisinin kuculmesi, mevsimlik ve gunubirlik hareketliligin artmasi, kentlere daha az goc vermesi ve sosyo-ekonomik yapinin iyilesmesi gibi surecler soz konusudur. Kirsal yerlesme yapisinda ise tamamen bosalan koylerin artmasi, kirsal meskenlerde kentsel mimariye dogru kayma, meskenlerin konumlarinda sacilma ve buna bagli yerlesme dokusunun seyrelmesi gibi degisimler gorulmektedir. Son olarak iktisadi yapida ise kentlere yakin kirsal arazilerin kentsel fonksiyon alanlarina donusmesi, entansif tarim metotlarinin kullaniminin artmasi, ulasim ve iletisim faaliyetlerindeki iyilesmeye bagli olarak uretim ve tuketim kaliplarinda kentsel yasam tarzina dogru gecilmesi ve coklu iktisadi faaliyet yapisinin giderek yayginlasmasi, temel degisimler olarak dikkati cekmektedir. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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