Gauging Unbroken Symmetries in F-theory

Autor: Warren Siegel, Chia-Yi Ju
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1607.03017
Popis: F-theory attempts to include all U-dualities manifestly. Unlike its T-dual manifest partner, which is based on string current algebra, F-theory is based on higher dimensional brane current algebra. Like the T-dual manifest theory, which has $O(D-1,1)^2$ unbroken symmetry, the F-theory vacuum also enjoys certain symmetries ("$H$"). One of its important and exotic properties is that worldvolume indices are also spacetime indices. This makes the global brane current algebra incompatible with $H$ symmetry currents. The solution is to introduce worldvolume covariant derivatives, which depend on the $H$ coordinates even in a "flat" background. We will also give as an explicit example the 5-brane case.
Comment: 16 pages
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