Revealing Disocclusions in Temporal View Synthesis through Infilling Vector Prediction

Autor: Vijayalakshmi Kanchana, Nagabhushan Somraj, Suraj Yadwad, Rajiv Soundararajan
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2110.08805
Popis: We consider the problem of temporal view synthesis, where the goal is to predict a future video frame from the past frames using knowledge of the depth and relative camera motion. In contrast to revealing the disoccluded regions through intensity based infilling, we study the idea of an infilling vector to infill by pointing to a non-disoccluded region in the synthesized view. To exploit the structure of disocclusions created by camera motion during their infilling, we rely on two important cues, temporal correlation of infilling directions and depth. We design a learning framework to predict the infilling vector by computing a temporal prior that reflects past infilling directions and a normalized depth map as input to the network. We conduct extensive experiments on a large scale dataset we build for evaluating temporal view synthesis in addition to the SceneNet RGB-D dataset. Our experiments demonstrate that our infilling vector prediction approach achieves superior quantitative and qualitative infilling performance compared to other approaches in literature.
Comment: WACV 2022.
Databáze: OpenAIRE