Quantitative 18F-AV1451 Brain Tau PET Imaging in Cognitively Normal Older Adults, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Alzheimer's Disease Patients

Autor: Qian Zhao, Min Liu, Lingxia Ha, Yun Zhou, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Michael W. Weiner, Paul Aisen, Michael Weiner, Ronald Petersen, Clifford R. Jack, William Jagust, John Q. Trojanowki, Arthur W. Toga, Laurel Beckett, Robert C. Green, Andrew J. Saykin, John Morris, Leslie M. Shaw, Zaven Khachaturian, Greg Sorensen, Maria Carrillo, Lew Kuller, Marc Raichle, Steven Paul, Peter Davies, Howard Fillit, Franz Hefti, David Holtzman, M. Marcel Mesulam, William Potter, Peter Snyder, Adam Schwartz, Tom Montine, Ronald G. Thomas, Michael Donohue, Sarah Walter, Devon Gessert, Tamie Sather, Gus Jiminez, Archana B. Balasubramanian, Jennifer Mason, Iris Sim, Danielle Harvey, Matthew Bernstein, Nick Fox, Paul Thompson, Norbert Schuff, Charles DeCArli, Bret Borowski, Jeff Gunter, Matt Senjem, Prashanthi Vemuri, David Jones, Kejal Kantarci, Chad Ward, Robert A. Koeppe, Norm Foster, Eric M. Reiman, Kewei Chen, Chet Mathis, Susan Landau, John C. Morris, Nigel J. Cairns, Erin Franklin, Lisa Taylor-Reinwald, Virginia Lee, Magdalena Korecka, Michal Figurski, Karen Crawford, Scott Neu, Tatiana M. Foroud, Steven Potkin, Li Shen, Kelley Faber, Sungeun Kim, Kwangsik Nho, Lean Thal, Leon Thal, Neil Buckholtz, Peter J. Snyder, Marilyn Albert, Richard Frank, John Hsiao, Jeffrey Kaye, Joseph Quinn, Lisa Silbert, Betty Lind, Raina Carter, Sara Dolen, Lon S. Schneider, Sonia Pawluczyk, Mauricio Becerra, Liberty Teodoro, Bryan M. Spann, James Brewer, Helen Vanderswag, Adam Fleisher, Judith L. Heidebrink, Joanne L. Lord, Sara S. Mason, Colleen S. Albers, David Knopman, Kris Johnson, Rachelle S. Doody, Javier Villanueva-Meyer, Valory Pavlik, Victoria Shibley, Munir Chowdhury, Susan Rountree, Mimi Dang, Yaakov Stern, Lawrence S. Honig, Karen L. Bell, Beau Ances, Maria Carroll, Mary L. Creech, Mark A. Mintun, Stacy Schneider, Angela Oliver, Daniel Marson, David Geldmacher, Marissa Natelson Love, Randall Griffith, David Clark, John Brockington, Erik Roberson, Hillel Grossman, Effie Mitsis, Raj C. Shah, Leyla deToledo-Morrell, Ranjan Duara, Maria T. Greig-Custo, Warren Barker, Chiadi Onyike, Daniel D'Agostino, Stephanie Kielb, Martin Sadowski, Mohammed O. Sheikh, Ulysse Anaztasia, Gaikwad Mrunalini, P. Murali Doraiswamy, Jeffrey R. Petrella, Salvador Borges-Neto, Terence Z. Wong, Edward Coleman, Steven E. Arnold, Jason H. Karlawish, David A. Wolk, Christopher M. Clark, Charles D. Smith, Greg Jicha, Peter Hardy, Partha Sinha, Elizabeth Oates, Gary Conrad, Oscar L. Lopez, MaryAnn Oakley, Donna M. Simpson, Anton P. Porsteinsson, Bonnie S. Goldstein, Kim Martin, Kelly M. Makino, M. Saleem Ismail, Connie Brand, Steven G. Potkin, Adrian Preda, Dana Nguyen, Kyle Womack, Dana Mathews, Mary Quiceno, Allan I. Levey, James J. Lah, Janet S. Cellar, Jeffrey M. Burns, Russell H. Swerdlow, William M. Brooks, Liana Apostolova, Kathleen Tingus, Ellen Woo, Daniel H.S. Silverman, Po H. Lu, George Bartzokis, Neill R Graff-Radford, Francine Parfitt, Kim Poki-Walker, Martin R. Farlow, Ann Marie Hake, Brandy R. Matthews, Jared R. Brosch, Scott Herring, Christopher H. van Dyck, Richard E. Carson, Martha G. MacAvoy, Pradeep Varma, Howard Chertkow, Howard Bergman, Chris Hosein, Sandra Black, Bojana Stefanovic, Curtis Caldwell, Ging-Yuek Robin Hsiung, Benita Mudge, Vesna Sossi, Howard Feldman, Michele Assaly, Elizabeth Finger, Stephen Pasternack, Irina Rachisky, Dick Trost, Andrew Kertesz, Charles Bernick, Donna Munic, Marek-Marsel Mesulam, Emily Rogalski, Kristine Lipowski, Sandra Weintraub, Borna Bonakdarpour, Diana Kerwin, Chuang-Kuo Wu, Nancy Johnson, Carl Sadowsky, Teresa Villena, Raymond Scott Turner, Kathleen Johnson, Brigid Reynolds, Reisa A. Sperling, Keith A. Johnson, Gad Marshall, Jerome Yesavage, Joy L. Taylor, Barton Lane, Allyson Rosen, Jared Tinklenberg, Marwan N. Sabbagh, Christine M. Belden, Sandra A. Jacobson, Sherye A. Sirrel, Neil Kowall, Ronald Killiany, Andrew E. Budson, Alexander Norbash, Patricia Lynn Johnson, Thomas O. Obisesan, Saba Wolday, Joanne Allard, Alan Lerner, Paula Ogrocki, Curtis Tatsuoka, Parianne Fatica, Evan Fletcher, Pauline Maillard, John Olichney, Charles DeCarli, Owen Carmichael, Smita Kittur, Michael Borrie, T-Y Lee, Rob Bartha, Sterling Johnson, Sanjay Asthana, Cynthia M. Carlsson, Pierre Tariot, Anna Burke, Ann Marie Milliken, Nadira Trncic, Stephanie Reeder, Vernice Bates, Horacio Capote, Michelle Rainka, Douglas W. Scharre, Maria Kataki, Brendan Kelley, Earl A. Zimmerman, Dzintra Celmins, Alice D. Brown, Godfrey D. Pearlson, Karen Blank, Karen Anderson, Laura A. Flashman, Marc Seltzer, Mary L. Hynes, Robert B. Santulli, Kaycee M. Sink, Gordineer Leslie, Jeff D. Williamson, Pradeep Garg, Franklin Watkins, Brian R. Ott, Geoffrey Tremont, Lori A. Daiello, Stephen Salloway, Paul Malloy, Stephen Correia, Howard J. Rosen, Bruce L. Miller, David Perry, Jacobo Mintzer, Kenneth Spicer, David Bachman, Stephen Pasternak, Irina Rachinsky, John Rogers, Dick Drost, Nunzio Pomara, Raymundo Hernando, Antero Sarrael, Susan K. Schultz, Karen Ekstam Smith, Hristina Koleva, Ki Won Nam, Hyungsub Shim, Norman Relkin, Gloria Chiang, Michael Lin, Lisa Ravdin, Amanda Smith, Balebail Ashok Raj, Kristin Fargher, Thomas Neylan, Jordan Grafman, Gessert Devon, Davis Melissa, Rosemary Morrison, Hayes Jacqueline, Finley Shannon, Kantarci Kejal, Ward Chad, Erin Householder, Crawford Karen, Neu Scott, Friedl Karl, Becerra Mauricio, Debra Fleischman, Konstantinos Arfanakis, Daniel Varon, Maria T Greig, Olga James, Bonnie Goldstein, Kimberly S. Martin, Dino Massoglia, Olga Brawman-Mintzer, Walter Martinez, Howard Rosen, Kelly Behan, Sterling C. Johnson, J. Jay Fruehling, Sandra Harding, Elaine R. Peskind, Eric C. Petrie, Gail Li, Jerome A. Yesavage, Ansgar J. Furst, Steven Chao, Scott Mackin, Rema Raman, Erin Drake, Mike Donohue, Gustavo Jimenez, Kelly Harless, Jennifer Salazar, Yuliana Cabrera, Lindsey Hergesheimer, Elizabeth Shaffer, Craig Nelson, David Bickford, Meryl Butters, Michelle Zmuda, Denise Reyes, Kelley M. Faber, Kelly N. Nudelman, Yiu Ho Au, Kelly Scherer, Daniel Catalinotto, Samuel Stark, Elise Ong, Dariella Fernandez
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Frontiers in Neurology, Vol 10 (2019)
ISSN: 1664-2295
Popis: Recent developments of tau Positron Emission Tomography (PET) allows assessment of regional neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) deposition in human brain. Among the tau PET molecular probes, 18F-AV1451 is characterized by high selectivity for pathologic tau aggregates over amyloid plaques, limited non-specific binding in white and gray matter, and confined off-target binding. The objectives of the study are (1) to quantitatively characterize regional brain tau deposition measured by 18F-AV1451 PET in cognitively normal older adults (CN), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and AD participants; (2) to evaluate the correlations between cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers or Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and 18F-AV1451 PET standardized uptake value ratio (SUVR); and (3) to evaluate the partial volume effects on 18F-AV1451 brain uptake.Methods: The study included total 115 participants (CN = 49, MCI = 58, and AD = 8) from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Preprocessed 18F-AV1451 PET images, structural MRIs, and demographic and clinical assessments were downloaded from the ADNI database. A reblurred Van Cittertiteration method was used for voxelwise partial volume correction (PVC) on PET images. Structural MRIs were used for PET spatial normalization and region of interest (ROI) definition in standard space. The parametric images of 18F-AV1451 SUVR relative to cerebellum were calculated. The ROI SUVR measurements from PVC and non-PVC SUVR images were compared. The correlation between ROI 18F-AV1451 SUVR and the measurements of MMSE, CSF total tau (t-tau), and phosphorylated tau (p-tau) were also assessed.Results:18F-AV1451 prominently specific binding was found in the amygdala, entorhinal cortex, parahippocampus, fusiform, posterior cingulate, temporal, parietal, and frontal brain regions. Most regional SUVRs showed significantly higher uptake of 18F-AV1451 in AD than MCI and CN participants. SUVRs of small regions like amygdala, entorhinal cortex and parahippocampus were statistically improved by PVC in all groups (p < 0.01). Although there was an increasing tendency of 18F-AV-1451 SUVRs in MCI group compared with CN group, no significant difference of 18F-AV1451 deposition was found between CN and MCI brains with or without PVC (p > 0.05). Declined MMSE score was observed with increasing 18F-AV1451 binding in amygdala, entorhinal cortex, parahippocampus, and fusiform. CSF p-tau was positively correlated with 18F-AV1451 deposition. PVC improved the results of 18F-AV-1451 tau deposition and correlation studies in small brain regions.Conclusion: The typical deposition of 18F-AV1451 tau PET imaging in AD brain was found in amygdala, entorhinal cortex, fusiform and parahippocampus, and these regions were strongly associated with cognitive impairment and CSF biomarkers. Although more deposition was observed in MCI group, the 18F-AV-1451 PET imaging could not differentiate the MCI patients from CN population. More tau deposition related to decreased MMSE score and increased level of CSF p-tau, especially in ROIs of amygdala, entorhinal cortex and parahippocampus. PVC did improve the results of tau deposition and correlation studies in small brain regions and suggest to be routinely used in 18F-AV1451 tau PET quantification.
Databáze: OpenAIRE