Pole inflation from non-minimal coupling to gravity

Autor: Karamitsos, Sotirios, Strumia, Alessandro
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of High Energy Physics
ISSN: 1029-8479
Popis: Transforming canonical scalars to the Einstein frame can give a multi-field generalization of pole inflation (namely, a scalar with a divergent kinetic term) at vanishing field-dependent Planck mass. However, to obtain an attractor, the scalar potential must obey certain non-generic conditions. These are automatically satisfied in Quantum Field Theories with dimension-less couplings. The resulting models of pole inflation have special inflationary predictions determined by the full RG running of couplings. Acceptable predictions for the tensor/scalar ratio arise for perturbative but moderately large couplings, so we explore the possible QFT runnings: to confinement, to an IR fixed point, and to a UV fixed point.
Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures; journal version
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