A Long Short-Term Memory Network for Sparse Spatiotemporal EEG Source Imaging

Autor: Lin Jiang, Peng Xu, Chunli Chen, Dezhong Yao, Walid Mohammed Ahmed Ayedh, Peiyang Li, Joyce Chelangat Bore, Zehong Cao, Dennis Joe Harmah
Přispěvatelé: Bore, Joyce Chelangat, Li, Peiyang, Jiang, Lin, Ayedh, Walid MA, Chen, Chunli, Harmah, Dennis Joe, Yao, Dezhong, Cao, Zehong, Xu, Peng
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: EEG inverse problem is underdetermined, which poses a long standing challenge in Neuroimaging. The combination of source-imaging and analysis of cortical directional networks enables us to noninvasively explore the underlying neural processes. However, existing EEG source imaging approaches mainly focus on performing the direct inverse operation for source estimation, which will be inevitably influenced by noise and the strategy used to find the inverse solution. Here, we develop a new source imaging technique, Deep Brain Neural Network (DeepBraiNNet), for robust sparse spatiotemporal EEG source estimation. In DeepBraiNNet, considering that Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) are usually 'deep' in temporal dimension and thus suitable for time sequence modelling, the RNN with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is utilized to approximate the inverse operation for the lead field matrix instead of performing the direct inverse operation, which avoids the possible effect of the direct inverse operation on the underdetermined lead field matrix prone to be influenced by noise. Simulations on various source patterns and noise conditions confirmed that the proposed approach could actually recover the spatiotemporal sources well, outperforming existing state of-the-art methods. DeepBraiNNet also estimated sparse MI related activation patterns when it was applied to a real Motor Imagery dataset, consistent with other findings based on EEG and fMRI. Based on the spatiotemporal sources estimated from DeepBraiNNet, we constructed MI related cortical neural networks, which clearly exhibited strong contralateral network patterns for the two MI tasks. Consequently, DeepBraiNNet may provide an alternative way different from the conventional approaches for spatiotemporal EEG source imaging Refereed/Peer-reviewed
Databáze: OpenAIRE