Associations of Emergency Department Visits for Asthma with Precipitation and Temperature on Thunderstorm Days: A Time-Series Analysis of Data from Louisiana, USA, 2010–2012

Autor: Ju-Hyeong Park, Eungul Lee, Ethan D. Fechter-Leggett, Ellie Williams, Shobha Yadav, Arundhati Bakshi, Stefanie Ebelt, Jesse E. Bell, Heather Strosnider, Ginger L. Chew
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Environmental Health Perspectives. 130
ISSN: 1552-9924
Popis: Studies of thunderstorm asthma to understand risk factors using high-resolution climate data and asthma outcomes on a large scale are scarce. Moreover, thunderstorm asthma is not well studied in the United States.We examined whether climate parameters involved in thunderstorms are associated with emergency department (ED) visits for acute asthma attacks in the United States.We analyzed 63,789 asthma-related, daily ED visits for all age groups, and thunderstorm-associated climate data in Louisiana during 2010 through 2012. We performed time-series analyses using quasi-Poisson regression models with natural cubic splines of date, parish, holiday, day of week, season, daily maximum concentrations of ozone (On thunderstorm days, higher asthma-related ED visits were associated with higher daily mean precipitation [Higher precipitation and lower temperature on thunderstorm days appear to contribute to asthma attacks among people with asthma, suggesting they should consider taking precautions during thunderstorms. EDs should consider preparing for a potential increase of asthma-related visits and ensuring sufficient stock of emergency medication and supplies for forecasted severe thunderstorm days.
Databáze: OpenAIRE